Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Constitution

Over the weekend I read a couple of articles suggesting that the Obama administration wanted to tighten gun controls via Executive order. Earlier this year I read where the supreme court had determined that you don't have a right to privacy and unreasonable search and seizure, that the police can enter your home without a warrant, go through all of your things and hold you indefinably, for no other reason then you might commit a crime. Combine all this with constitutional amendments violated by the Patriot act, which have been approved again, and you begin to see a picture of an imperial government that is only interested in endless war and squashing our liberties.
Now I know that some of you that are reading this believe that the government should regulate guns more or take them away all together.There are some who would say ,well if you have nothing to hide why should it matter that the police come into your house, or better yet, we haven't been attacked in the last 10 years or so, so the policies of the last two administrations are working.
If you are amongst those people let me ask you a question; do you read history? This song and dance has been done over and over again from the time of the Roman empire right up until now. You use fear of an outside entity that is going to do you great harm to get the people to give up their rights, with promises of protection, and then you slowly take their freedoms away. It's been done before and it is happening right now.
So I have a better idea. Why don't we just throw the whole constitution out. Why waste out time picking at all of the amendments, why don't we just get rid of them all and start over as some have suggested that we should?
I could give you a list of reasons why we should actually honor and follow the constitution, but why bother? Our government and president certainly don't follow it and it's been that way for the past decade or more, and most of the people in this country have never read it.So lets get rid of it. Worse yet are our students in high schools and colleges around this country are being taught that it is an obsolete document , written by a bunch of rich white guys, that it needs to change with the times.
Sad. These men that wrote it were not just students of history they lived it.These men were educated and they knew what they were doing when the wrote the constitution and signed the declaration of independence. All of them paid a heavy price for it, and now they are mocked or ridiculed.
So explain to me, if some of the more enlightened would,why you would want to give up your God given rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  Governments historically have taken those things away from their people. Why would you want to give up your right to be secure in your person against illegal search and seizure? Why would you want to give up the right to free speech and expression,religion or the right to keep and bear arms,( one of Hitlers greatest moves was to disarm the populace)  more importantly, just who are you going to trust to change it? Who would you want to be our moral compass in a time of mass government corruption? When their only real interest is their own pockets or the large corporations that control them.
What we have works quite well when we actually use it so why change it or allow it to be trampled on?
I'm not an educated man, but I have studied history and religion and I can tell you that what we are allowing to happen to our constitution and our nation will be our down fall if we don't put an end to the violations . Rather then abolish the constitution, we simply need to go back to actually using it.

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