Friday, July 8, 2011

Welcome to Simple Minded

Welcome to Simple Minded. This is, quite literally ,going to be a blog featuring what I consider to be blunt, and to the point, simple minded solutions to complex issues.You may love it or hate it or think I am dumber then a rock, that choice is yours, but please feel free to comment or give your own simple thoughts on complex issues and maybe our simple minds can make a difference.

Today my simple solution is for the troubled economy. Once again we are told that while there is some sort of recovery going on ( not terribly sure as to where unless it's to banks ,politicians and wall street )  the unemployment rate has gone up to 9.2%. Meanwhile the powers that be are trying to figure out just how to fix this mess and make themselves look good at the same time, forgetting ,of course, that they are the ones to blame in the first place! So here goes my my "Simple Minded" idea's.

First end all our wars and close all our bases around the world and bring the troops home. Yes this would take some time and some effort but it would save us a huge amount of money and get us out of pointless wars.

Second cut congresses pay and benefits. I see no reason why they should be paid huge amounts of money in pay and benefits simply because they work in DC. Make them live on the same kind of income as the rest of us receive and the same kind of benefits. When their time is done their pay and benefits are done.

Third end all the redundancy and massive bureaucracy in both the Federal government and the state governments. There should be no reason for so many layers of bureaucrats all doing the same job and all getting paid to do that same job.

Fourth tighten up the rules as to just who qualifies for assistance. Just because someone is an addict shouldn't qualify them for benefits. I know disabled vets who served their country who have to do handstands practically to get any help and yet someone can go in as an "addict" and get assistance. Doesn't seem right to me. But what would be better would be that we as Americans go back to the idea of helping our neighbors then there wouldn't be such an issue.
Fifth, stop being dependent on other countries for resources that we have here in our country. We don't need foreign oil, we have it right here in our own country. Don't talk to me about endangering the environment, nature adapts despite the things that we do. More importantly if we loose our sovereignty to a nation such as China because we cant take care of ourselves, they will utterly destroy our environment. We have the technology to do this right, lets use it and put the OPEC thugs in their place. Did I mention natural gas and clean coal??

Sixth, get out of the way of the private sector and let them create the jobs that are needed. You want jobs? Stop all the regulations and in short order you will create a multitude of jobs. Just consider for a minute,what might happen if the government got out of the way and allowed us to drill for oil ( just as an example ) and build refineries right here in this country with out all the red tape. Yes make sure that said companies are using the right equipment and the best technology available, but quit regulating absolutely every aspect of it to the point of where it's no longer feasible to do it, and you would literally create thousands of jobs overnight and in less then 10 years we wouldn't be dependent on anyone else.

I know that these are just a small number of ideas and I also understand that most of them are politically incorrect on one side of the aisle or the other, but honestly I don't care. If we don't get this economy under control, and soon, we are all going to pay a very heavy price for it and that fact knows no political boundaries.


  1. Jay, your brother in armsJuly 8, 2011 at 6:49 PM

    I agree Iggy, except for the first part. Should we, as a nation, be more considerate of what situations to involve ourselves in overseas? Sure. However, to recall the entirety of our forces would be in folly. While we can dream that being an isolationist attitude would be the ideal, history has shown us that it just doesn't work. Japan is one of the most dramatic examples. For centuries they maintained an isolationist frame of mind which worked okay for a while. When Commodore Perry rolled in with steel warships, the Japanese had never seen such monsters. If it had not been for World War One the US and consequently the world would have oppresivly exploited their country. If we take the same path today we risk losing the connections we have to other countries that can produce not only products and services, but intelligence. The second problem is that evil is a cancer which will fill the void left behind by our absence. We may survive for fifty or one hundred years but while we hunker down here evil will spread. As tough as we are, we can not defeat the rest of the world by ourselves.

  2. What you read was a very condensed version of what I had originally written. My point is that we have bases in something like 130 countries and we are engaged in 6 conflicts, all to the tune of billions of dollars every month, and I don't think that the argument has been properly made to explain our need to be involved. Is Iraq or Libya going to invade us soon? It can't be about securing oil just look at the price of gas, that I might find reasonable. So where is our vital national interest in this? Yes, we live in a world where evil will dominate at the drop of a hat, but I am suggesting that we need to take care of our own country and borders first then we can get more involved in the affairs of the world, we have been involved for too long to go back to an isolationist position, but let us set some reasonable priorities.
    Semper Fi...
