Thursday, July 14, 2011

Feeling like a W@#$%

Today I feel like a whore. Yes, I did say whore. I have often wondered what it was like to be used by others for their own gratification and satisfaction. Now I know.

I say this in light of what has gone on, and is currently going on, in the government. Under President Bush thousands of us were sent off to fight in two wars. Under Obama our benefits are being threatened. We were used by Bush to benefit some major corporations and government personnel, all under the lie that it was for national security ,and we were used to make sure that he was re-elected. Under Obama we are being used as pawns by both parties to try and secure the next election by threatening to cut or eliminate our pay and benefits all the while blaming it on the other party for not budging. Yup I'm nothing but a whore, to be used by the powers that be to get what they want, more power.

My wife is looking for a job to try and help ease things, but,as you know, the economy is bad and jobs are scarce. Round and round we go.

So while they give their staffs millions in bonuses and drink $350 bottles of wine, I get to wonder if in the next month I'll be able to put food on the table or keep a roof over my head. Not a very pleasant thought.

Worse yet is that I don't think that enough people really understand what is at stake here. If they default, it could cause an economic meltdown all across the board, at least for the middle and lower class, not to mention what it can do to the world economy. If they raise taxes and cut benefits it will be the middle and lower classes that pay for it ( any taxes that are taken from the rich will be passed on to us as price increases and with less help for the poor, disaster) yet if they increase the debt ceiling you are just putting off the inevitable.

So what do we do? I haven't a clue. I take that back, I do have some ideas, but none that any one would seriously consider,especially those that are in power, simply because it wouldn't benefit them, so there is little point in saying anything  more.

So today I am feeling like a whore, used up, and anticipating the biggest STD of my life, courtesy of the very government that sent me to war and helped put me in this position. Maybe it won't happen. Maybe they will come to some reasonable conclusion, but I won't hold my breath.

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