Friday, March 30, 2012

Fridays Are Scary

I think that Fridays have to be one of the scariest days in the political world, that and just about any major holiday, because this is the time when the various political leaders in our country like to pull fast ones on us. It seems that every time there is a major piece of legislation to be signed or Executive order to be put in place, it happens during those times when we are not paying attention collectively. Who wants to look at news articles when we have the BBQ going or presents to unwrap? No one ,so that's when these little gems are usually sprung on us. Now that's not always true, I do have one from last Friday that seemed to slip quietly under the radar but the next one actually was put into place this week during the supreme courts hearing of arguments over Obama care. These are the fun little tid bits I will share with you today. Yesterday, while you and I were asleep at the wheel the EPA put into place more rules effecting the emissions from Coal powered plants, effectively killing them and ,of course, in the process making sure that the price of electricity goes up. Now I have several problem with this. First it will raise the price of electricity. I have lived out in the Midwest where they use coal powered plants to generate electricity and I can tell you that the cost of living was a lot less expensive there because of it, but I guess we cant have people in this country living cheaply and comfortably. Next is the rather poor timing of all this. Oil prices are needlessly too high and the price of gas is getting to the point of where driving is not worth the cost, but then I guess it's easier to control the people if they cant go anywhere. Natural gas , from what I know is still fairly cheap, but with all the rules that are being attempted to regulate that as well, it wont be long before it will cost you your right arm to have that as well. So what do we , the average sheep, do? We cant use Nuclear power because, so we have been told anyhow, it's to dangerous. Fracking for natural gas, again I lived in fracking country, is so dangerous we must regulate it more and make Natural gas more difficult to obtain. We could drill for our own oil thus stopping our need to be involved in middle east politics and conflicts, but no, we cant do that because it might effect a passing Caribou or Kangaroo mouse, so screw it lets just keep fighting. Live on war machine... So here is my idea, this next winter when we are all freezing to death because the price of staying warm is way to high, we all gather together and just start cutting down the trees. I have no problem with using wood, I have my own wood stove, oh, well I guess we cant do that either because the environmentalist will have a fit and then will come in the Army Corp of engineers to stop us cutting on the so called wet lands and then there is the EPA..... The second little tidbit that managed to get un-noticed by any one was a fascinating article on keeping tabs on you. This is just part of the article. Fox News 3/23/12, The original article Also appeared on AP The U.S. intelligence community will be able to store information about Americans with no ties to terrorism for up to five years under new Obama administration guidelines. Until now, the National Counter terrorism Center had to destroy immediately information about Americans that already was stored in other government databases when there were no clear ties to terrorism..... Doesn't that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? To think that my government loves me so much that they are going to keep tabs on me for years is just heartwarming. Why the very thought that everything that I say and do will be recorded by whatever means necessary just makes me, with my pitiful memory, rejoice. Next with the government trying to force you to purchase things that you may not wish to buy and our civil liberties being regulated and our Constitution being trampled on, we have President Obama selling us out to the Russians as well. Caught on an open mic, saying that he will be more flexible after the elections, concerning missile defense, and then suggesting that we have a moral obligation to do so? Really? Why? I like the idea of a utopian world where everything is peace and love and everyone works for the betterment of all man kind ,such as in the Star Trek universe, but the reality is is that almost no one else shares our same world view on anything and, I must point out , in the Star Trek universe ,they still had weapons available to deter any one from trying to attack them. So we disarm ourselves and we then become subject to any rogue nation with a bomb. Imagine the United States being held hostage by Jamaica? Why? Because we get rid of all our deterrents and they get one, that's all it would take. But the problem runs deeper then that. Mr. Obama spoke when he didn't think that the Mic was on and in a way he tipped his hand. He has made it clear that when he has nothing to lose anymore that he is going to do as he wishes. He has already done plenty of that in the last 3 plus years, I can't imagine what he will do once he is unleashed. I suppose there are some of you who think that the idea of a socialized nation is a good thing, and so you rejoice at all these wondrous changes, let me just say a few words on that. Nazi Germany, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Eastern Europe, North Korea, Cuba, China. No matter how you try to color it, no matter how you try to "spread the wealth" and make everything equal, there is always a ruling class and they tend to kill off all dissent and repress their people. History bears this out. So today is Friday and I have to say I wonder what fun things will go on in the political world..stay tuned I'll try to keep you posted....

Thursday, March 22, 2012

End of Simple Minded

I entered into the idea of "Simple Minded" to provide ,what I saw, as very simple solutions for a complicated world. It seemed to me that the simple thoughts of following the Constitution and common sense was the best way to do things.

Apparently I am wrong.

It would seem that sex is the only thing that interests people. Of all the posts I have written, "Sexual News" got the most reads and it actually had very little to do with sex, but it finally showed me the truth of things, which is simply this ; we ,as a nation, care more about sex and entertainment then we do about what is happening ,Constitutionally speaking, to our country. If we did, think more of the Constitutional welfare of our country, we would have a much smaller government and our constant state of warfare and welfare would be a thing of the past because the government would not be getting involved in everything that is going on in the world or in our homes and business. Alas this is not to be.

We are a people who do not deserve our Constitution if we did we would be holding our politicians accountable for subverting it.

We have a government that does not have the integrity or honor to stand amongst the great founders of this nation, for if they did they would uphold that Constitution that our forefathers died for, rather then destroy it.

In short, it would seem that most of you would rather prefer the sheepdom of so called government intervention in every aspect of your life, as long as you can be gainfully entertained, rather then live your lives free from tyranny. So be it.

So simply put, "Simple Minded" is pointless to write anymore. If the obvious events happening around us can not bring up the wrath of the American people against those who would destroy us and subvert us to the whims of the UN, or the NWO or whomever, then my humble writings, with such a small amount of readers, will not do it either.

So thank you to the few that have read this blog, sorry that it won't keep going. We are repeating history ,going all the way back to the tower of Babylon, and most of the sheep are content and asleep in their cages not realizing or even caring that the wolf has the keys.

Monday, March 19, 2012

It Has Begun...

For a long time, I have watched what has been going on in the political arena, and while I have made no bones as to what I think of Mr. Obama and his administration as well as the former administration of Mr. Bush and company, I find that I need to get more personal with you, particularly those of you who continue to support Mr. Obama.

Fridays and holidays seem to be the time that the President likes to spring new orders or changed ones, as he did this past Friday, on all of us. See HR 347 or NDAA or The National Defense Resources Preparedness EO. Tactically speaking it's brilliant because most people are doing things on the weekend and not watching the news, and most, so called news media, are ending their news cycles, so most of them get little notice until it's too late or unless an alternate news sight puts it out there.

As always , before I say much more, understand I don't like any of the people running in either party. The only one who I think is worth anything, Ron Paul, doesn't stand a chance because he's a libertarian and all sides are against him, but let us be clear ,I think that the whole system is rigged and it doesn't matter who's running, the winner has already been decided we are just going through the motions.

Having said this, I still have to ask the question, why are any of you still supporting Mr Obama?

What good has he done for this country? Yes ,Gays can serve openly in the military but other then that what has he done? Is it health care? I have government style health care and I can tell you it's not as great as you may think and it will hurt the economy more. It can't be his economic or energy policies, he hasn't got any, and this you know to be true every time you go to the pump or buy food, so what, pray tell, is it?

My observances of him show him to be nothing more then Mr. Bush on steroids. Mr Bush may have started this assault on our freedoms and liberties, via the patriot act ,but Mr. Obama has done nothing but make it worse. I remember protests where folks were upset about Mr. Bush wanting to tap our phones and see our library cards, yet when Mr. Obama continues this policy and then adds to it, via executive orders, completely by passing congress on just about everything, I have to ask ; Where are all you protesters now?

Doesn't it bother any of you that your rights are essentially gone? You no longer have the right to free speech unless it's politically correct, to your religious beliefs, to protest against the government. The press is complicit in all of this in that they have turned a purposeful blind eye to it and they are really only as free as their owners allow. Your right to own a gun is filled with massive paper work and unnecessary restrictions.You have no more rights to privacy or to be secure in your persons etc.....the list is long and I have written about all of it before. We have officials from this administration informing congress that they don't need to ask for permission to go to war, they only need the blessing of NATO or the UN, again a clear violation of the Constitution. You can be detained indefinitely and for no reason, without a warrant. You can be charged with a felony for protesting. The government can take everything ,whether it's peace time or war, all on the whim of the president. They are going to allow for 30,000 spy drones by 2015 to be flying and spying on all of us. TSA can search you at the airports and VIPR teams can stop you on the highways and bus stations. We are told by DHS to spy on each other and report anything no matter how stupid and we are living in constant fear of our shadows. Spending is through the roof and though it may have started with Bush it has gotten far worse with Obama and no one in either party has the courage to stop it. We have, in short, gone insane and we are bent on our own destruction.

I haven't taken the time here to give you lot of bill numbers and dates or where to find the articles because I have done all of that in earlier blogs. For once I am just simply expressing my frustration with some of you for not being able to see what is happening right in front of you.

I had this conversation with someone just recently who supports Obama, and as we were discussing the whole birth certificate issue, they called me a racist. My obvious question was why, because I don't like anything that he is doing? I spoke out against Mr. Bush and last I knew he was white. So where does my racism come from? Is it from my Cuban father or my Scottish/ Irish mother who is a democrat? Did I learn this from my Gay brother or his husband? The nerve of anyone calling me a racist because I don't agree with this administrations policies tells me just one thing. You know he has nothing to stand on so all you can do is insult those of us who are opposed to him.

So go ahead and vote for who ever you wish. It doesn't really matter because no matter who wins , and that will be Obama, mark my words on that one, the results will be bigger government.That government getting more and more in our personal business and eventually the crashing of our economy along with the total destruction of the Constitution.

It has already begun, and it will end badly.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Dead Constituion And New Bill Of Rights

Last Thursday, with no fan fare or media coverage, the first amendment to the Constitution was officially killed. HR 347 was signed into law by President Obama and thus ended your right to free speech and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. If you don't believe it to be true, first of all go look it up and then see how it's worded. Next if you still don't believe it then get some of your friends together and go protest anywhere near someone who has secret service protection, say Mitt Romney or Mr. Obama, and see how fast you are arrested. Worse yet is that now, because of NDAA, you can be arrested and held indefinitely while being charged with a felony crime, for nothing more then speaking your mind. Mr. Obama has suggested that he would never use such a law, as in found in the NDAA against Americans, but if he can justify killing Americans in foreign countries with impunity and with out do process, as was once in our Constitution , I doubt that something as silly as his word would actually stop him from using it . One thing that history should have taught all of us, is that there has never been a weapon invented that hasn't been used, and killing dissent, is a massive weapon.

So this summer when some of you will be out protesting various issues near the political conventions, I am going to sit back and eat popcorn and laugh at all you sheep who haven't listened to a damn thing that I and a host of others have tried to warn you about. When you start screaming about your first amendment rights of free speech and the right to assemble, I am going to chuckle because you don't have any them anymore. You kept quiet when they shut down people that you disagreed with and now they are going to come after you. Hell they will likely come after me at some point, but at least I will go down knowing that I did what I could to warn you and to stop the destruction of our Republic.

So lets do something different then. Rather then trying to convince you I will rewrite the Bill of Rights, that's the first 10 Amendments for the sheeple, and show you how they look today. The original you can find on line if you have the ambition and the guts to do so.

Amendment 1
The Congress shall force you to follow laws that violate your conscious and freedom of religion. They will disguise it as something else, but they will infringe on your God given rights and morals, you will have no choice.You have the right to speak and to write only that which is politically correct and non offensive unless you are speaking against Christians and Jews then it's OK.The press shall be mind numbed robots who will only report that which their corporate owners dictate even if its a bold faced lie. If you even think or suggest that you are going to assemble to protest anything you will be arrested and jailed quite possibly forever.

Amendment 2
We will do everything in our power to take away your right to bear arms to defend yourselves from crime and tyranny. Until that time we will regulate and make arbitrary rules making it difficult for you to have said arms.

Amendment 3
While we won't let the military live in your house, which we own by the way, we will let them patrol in the streets and establish checkpoints and work with the local paramilitary forces known as police. Make sure that you are carrying the proper papers at all times.

Amendment 4
You will never be secure in your possessions and personal effects from search and seizure. We may come in and arrest you for little more then the thought that you might commit a crime, and with out a warrant arrest you and take all your things. You have no right to resist arrest, if you do we will fill you full of bullets in front of your family and kill your dog for the sheer hell of it.

Amendment 5
We can arrest you and make you disappear, quite possibly forever, and take everything that you have as well. You don't have to worry about double jeopardy either because you won't likely ever get to a civil trial if we think that you are to dangerous.

Amendment 6
We can detain you indefinitely. We can hand you over to the military for detention as well as ship you overseas to a foreign detention cell. No charges, no lawyer, you simply vanish because we don't like what you say or believe.

Amendment 7 -9
You have no right to trial by a jury of your peers because if they are your peers then they are enemies of the state and should be arrested as well. If we think that you are an an enemy of the state, even without proof, we can have you assassinated. Torture is optional. No fuss , no muss.....

Amendment 10
We are the Federal government and you have no rights unless we give them to you.
Those of you with your eyes open know that all of this has already happened. Some of you know personally . Those of you who just think I'm nuts, need to get your heads out of the TV, get on line and do some serious research and don't just go to the corporate media, they are in on all of it and, I might add, are actively encouraging and supporting our demise.

If the powers that be do succeed in their agenda it will become way too late to sit around and sing Kum By Ya and hold up protest signs because you will be in a FEMA camp somewhere with no rights anymore and at that point you might as well just drink the koolaid and call it a day.

The saddest day , for some of you, is going to be the day when you realize that what all of us conspiracy nuts have believed, is true . Because you won't have anyone to blame but for it but yourselves.

Should be a real interesting summer...popcorn popping...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Rush Limbaugh, Sandra Fluke and Hypocrisy

Late last week Rush Limbaugh called a woman, a third year Georgetown university law student, 30 year old Sandra Fluke, a slut on his radio show. I had planned on staying out of the controversy except that now, some of the same people, Bill Mahr, Chris Matthews, and Kieth Olberman, amongst others, who have had very crude things to say about women from Sarah Palin to Hillary Clinton are now having the nerve to ridicule Rush, when what he said, while not polite or kind, was tame compared to what they said. This is just plain hypocritical. I am not here to defend Mr. Limbaugh's comments but I will call hypocrisy when I see it.

First lets do something really strange and take what he said in context, which was essentially that she wants the American tax payer to pay for her sexual activities via contraceptives. In the world I grew up in someone who wanted to be paid to have sex was called a prostitute or a slut. Mr. Limbaugh comes from an older generation then my own, and he is conservative in all things, so why should his reaction surprise any one? Yes he shouldn't have said it that way, and yes the outrage has caused many a sponsor to run, much to many liberals delight, but he has a large audience and someone will fill in the gap because there is money to be made from his loyal listeners, continuing to talk about this is just giving him free publicity.

Second, the idea that she is some sort of private citizen it simply false. One thing I have learned in writing, or when you get up in front of an audience,is that once you speak out you subject yourself to attacks from all sides and some of it can get personal and nasty. She became a public figure as soon as she started speaking to the congressional committee and voicing her politically charged point of view. I am hard pressed to believe that she hadn't a clue that her statements would cause a stir especially in light of her being a third year law student. She apparently was smart enough to get into law school but not smart enough to know what would happen? I know that I have the potential to cause trouble every time I write something or speak publicly and I barely graduated high school.

Third, He hasn't said or done anything, that other prominent commentators haven't. But most of them have been given a pass, not because they were apologetic for what they said, but because they are a part of the favored party. The excuse is that the people that they attacked were mostly political in nature. So calling a woman a "Twat" or the C word is OK as long as the victim is a conservative republican or a political figure? This is pure hypocrisy. Women's groups ought to be up in arms EVERY time some well known figure makes a derogatory comment about a woman not just when its a conservative talk show host.

Fourth, and lastly, This is not about women's health issues. This is nothing more then a continuing battle to force religious institutions to provide contraception in violation of their first amendment rights and their collective conscience. It is an attempt to make conservatives look like people who don't care about women or their health, it's a brilliant tactical move on the part of the Liberals, but it is also nothing more then smoke and mirrors. Mr. Limbaugh comments didn't didn't help but we are not talking breast cancer here, we are talking about forcing Americans to pay for sexual activity that many might be morally or religiously opposed to.

So my suggestions to any and all that were offended by his comments, get a back bone, and if you are going to be "outraged" at Rush then go after ALL media who tear women up, not just the conservative ones. And lets stay focused on the real issue, which has nothing to do with women's health but rather the issue of forcing religious institutions to violate their consciences in clear violation of the first amendment.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sexual News

You know what, I am tired of the news. No it goes way beyond that, I am sick of what people want to call news anymore. I have a better Idea. In stead of focusing on subjects that really matter, such as the various wars or the state of the national economy and personal liberties being trashed, let us, instead make all our news sexually orientated. Yes you read me right. If it doesn't have some sort of sexual content, then It should be banned from the airwaves. No more war news with out sex. No more political news with out sex. Here is an example of how this would work.

If I write a headline that says organic potatoes are better then chemically enhanced ones, then I may get a few readers who are interested in the subject of organics. But if I make the headline say, that sexual intercourse is better with those who eat nothing but organic potatoes, then suddenly I am going to have a multitude of readers. I will have not only those who eat organic foods attention, but there is bound to be folks from the scientific community reading and or commenting on it as well as those who are just curious about anything that involves sex. It's not that there is anything different about the potatoes in either article, but there is a huge difference in how I present it and that makes all the difference.

Another example; I don't watch much for television, so as you can imagine, I don't watch any of the awards shows, yet when a particular starlet came out and showed some leg, that became news and it caught my attention. This particular starlet doesn't appeal to me and I think she needs to put on a few pounds to look healthy and dare I say it ,sexy , but because of the headline, it was able to get my attention.

So lets put this in perspective then. Imagine headlines that looked something like this;

" The Afghan war ended today because the US military and the Taliban couldn't continue fighting due to an out break of sexual contact that disrupted the shooting and the war. Both sides declare sexual prowess victory....."

"GOP rivals battle it out in close contests over sexual performance, Ron Paul , while clearly the oldest, said that his sex life was still going strong and that makes him the best candidate for office, because of more experience in the things that really matter..."

" The president signed into law today a bill that would legalize the constitution once again. He signed this while resting in his bed at the white house after a wonderful night with his wife, he is quoted as saying that he has had flowers sent to her...."

Is any of this likely to happen? I doubt it. But did you see what I did,in just those three "headlines". I brought in the ending of the war, the GOP political fight and the Constitution all in three ridiculous headlines.

My point though is that if this is the only way to get Americans to pay attention to anything other then reality shows and whose legs are sexier then others, then it should be done. Yesterday I posted an article that told of congress stripping away more first amendment rights, which many a protestor is going to find out about the hard way this summer, and Only one person even bothered to comment. Sad. So lets try that headline differently and see what happens.

The Sexually active House of Representatives approved a bill on Monday, after their daily orgy, that outlaws protests in instances where some government officials are nearby, engaged in sex,whether or not you even know it.....

The actual headline says this; (Courtesy of RT )"The House of Representatives approved a bill (HR 347) on Monday that outlaws protests in instances where some government officials are nearby, whether or not you even know it." It already has senate approval.

The first revised version likely got your attention, and may have even disgusted you, but the second one you likely yawned through, but just like my organic potato analogy, the message didn't change, just the presentation.

So just let me know if a sexual format will work for you, when I post political news that I think is important. I refuse to show any leg but Ill do whats needed if it will get your attention....