Thursday, October 6, 2022

Archaeologists are always digging up ancient civilizations and wondering what happened to them, how they came to be wiped out. Other cultures tell of wars that were fought in the skies with weapons that are remarkably like our own nuclear bombs. Others have found ancient ruins that are loaded with radiation and rocks that are melted, some places in the deserts they have found a type of glass that only could be formed by a nuclear style weapon. If any of this is true, and you may believe as you wish, how can we be the pinnacle of world history when we are repeating the mistakes of the past?What makes us think that this so called civilization is going to last? Ten thousand years from now are archaeologists going to find our ruins and scratch their heads as to what happened?

So why bring this up?

The last few days I have noticed a trend in both the MSM and alternate news. Everyone is now talking about a likely nuclear war with Russia. Democrats and republicans, conservative news as well as the liberal media seem to suggest that this is inevitable and I dare say they almost seem to revel in the idea.

What is wrong with these people?

It's not just the US and Russia either. Everywhere you look, N. Korea, China, Iran, Pakistan,etc. They are all screaming and sometimes firing off real threats. Some of their desire for mass destruction is based on politics and saber rattling and others are based on religion, but all of it, no matter the reason for it, makes no kind of sense. Why would you want to set off a chain of events that would destroy everything, quite literally, in the world? Do you hate this life so much? Are your own people so beneath you that you would allow them to suffer for nothing?

At least two states have put out PSA on what to do in case of a nuclear blasts in a major city. While I applaud them for at least giving some hope to the people, if a blast hits them they are all dead, today's arsenal makes the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like child's play and their would be little no no survivors for miles around the initial blasts. NO ONE WINS.

In the 80's there was a movie called “War Games” with Matthew Broderick. The premise was this kid accidentally hacking into a government computer and almost starting Armageddon. The computer had to learn and so it tried every scenario and it's conclusion was that the only way to win was to not play.

This is where we are at, but this isn't a game and the consequences are deadly real, yet the powers that be seem to be feeding into this very scenario and are hard at work getting us into the mind set of this being inevitable.

So ask yourself these questions; Is mutual destruction over Ukraine worth it? Is the expansion of borders for Russia or NATO worth it? Is the touted NWO worth billions dead over land or population control? Perhaps your religious beliefs say this is inevitable as well so you refuse to speak out, if so something is wrong with your beliefs and you.

All of this hurts my soul. Having been in war and seeing the evil that man can do to man, I am lost as to why anyone would opt for this level of destruction and suffering.

If you are a praying person, pray,we might yet be delivered from this insanity.


Monday, August 22, 2022

Red Sox and Elephants

I have been a Red So fan all my life. Win lose or glorious draw , I have been a fan. When they were on top, I was there rooting them on. When they were in the bottom of the pile, as they are now, I am still a fan and will always be. It's called loyalty.

Now just imagine that I was chosen to play for them and better yet I eventually become the manager of the team, what an honor that would be!

But imagine if ,after becoming the manager of the team, I started, publicly, criticizing the players on the team. Worse , not only criticizing but suggesting that our team is so mediocre that we wont ever get out of the basement, never mind the playoffs, or the world series. How long do you think I'd last as manager? The players would quit trying, the opposing teams would run all over us and eventually the fans would quit coming to the games.

The elephants of the upper chamber have this kind of manager right now. He is suggesting that they can't win because some of the candidates are "mediocre". If that's "leadership" then the elephants are in trouble. But as this one question; What is it that makes them Mediocre? Is it because they don't play insider politics? Perhaps it's because they can't be bought off? What is it that makes them Mediocre Mitch? Even if you don't like them , they are on your team, and you should be out there cheering them on, if that's your idea of leadership then perhaps we should trade you to the donkeys for someone who is going to cheer the team on no matter what. Just my humble opinion.

Monday, July 25, 2022

To Dennis RIP

 Today my post is not political. Far from it. Today I want to skip all that and focus on the things that are truly important; friends and family, and trying to do some good in this world, to leave it, when the time comes , a better place.

A dear friend of mine passed on to the next world last week, but he was the epitome of what I believe to be a wonderful example of doing good in this world and making it just a bit better when you can.

My friends name was Dennis. He was highly educated. A doctor of theology, he was the senior pastor of the church that I attended. He had a wonderful wife and three children and a love for all people no matter their status.

Dennis was, above all else, one of the kindest, non judgmental, humans I ever have known. He was down to earth, right down to his love for gardening. But it was his love for people and his God that made him amazing. When I met him I was a very beat up combat vet, tattooed and ear ringed and perhaps a bit stressed. I was helping out our youth pastor with kids from our church at a youth camp in Arkansas. Being around strangers is not one of my strong points as some of you likely know, but he, and his family, had this openness about them that made you feel comfortable almost immediately. I wound up spending two weeks there with them and it was one of the best experiences of my life, one that I will always remember. I wound up being the camp care taker and I regularly attended his church, eventually becoming a pastor myself. It was there that I really saw him shine.

Our church had a very wide diversity of people. We had dirt poor children and troubled youth. We had senior citizens. We had all colors of the rainbow and a few mixed breeds as well. We had single moms and folks that were likely not here legally, but none of that mattered to him. They were all humans and his brothers and sisters, he treated them all with respect and kindness, no exceptions. He treated everyone the way he would want to be treated ,and the way he believed that God required him to. He did much good and positively effected many lives, including mine, and he will be missed.

One of the things that I appreciate about Judaism is their focus on life in this world. They don't spend time focused on the world to come because they believe that God has put us into this world to do good in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, to make this world a little better in the here and now, knowing that it brings it's own rewards both in the now and in the future.

This is what we need more of in this world. We need people who will make this world better.

I don't think any of us are very happy with the insanity we see going on all over the world and most of us likely feel that there is little we can do to change all of it and you'd be right, but we are not asked by God to do that, some folks certainly, but the vast majority of us are only asked to have to look around us to find little things that we can do, because many times the little things turn out to be the most important. Maybe it's babysitting for a young couple that needs a break. Maybe it's helping an elderly neighbor get his garbage out to the road, maybe it's as simple as a glass of cold water on a hot day.

Anything you can think of can be it. It truly is as simple as this.

Dennis believed in doing the small things, and it shows, in many a changed life.

You will be missed my friend.

Monday, July 18, 2022

"Changing Peoples Lives"

Recently, Biden, while trying to tout how great the economy is, said “we are changing peoples lives.”

I would like to state unequivocally that I agree with him. His policies have indeed changed peoples lives, just not for the better.

I have lived on a fixed income for years. We lived this way while I was in the Marines and my wife was taking care of our kids.

This continued after my last deployment to the worlds biggest kitty litter box, courtesy of the VA, and we have manged to survive. We have never lived “high on the hog” as the saying goes, but we haven't starved either. That has all changed.

No, we are not starving, yet, but if this “great economy” continues that won't be long in coming.

2 years ago, with 5 adults living in my house, we would spend around $200-250 a week for groceries. Now with only three of us it's between $350-400. This week we will start eliminating things we don't need but are nice to have.

It used to cost me about $40 to fill up my van, now it's about 30 for a quarter of a tank. I don't dare let it get lower then that as it would easily cost between $100-120.

I can't even imagine what it would cost to replace the van if it died, I don't believe we could even afford to do so.

I sold my house in my favorite area in the world because of the much higher cost of living only to come out west and find that it's just as bad here now under this “great economy.”

Under this “great economy” and high interest rates,home ownership is now out of the question, so likely renting will be the only option at least until the price of renting gets too high, then I suppose we will be living in a tent or a cardboard box.

Electric, oil,gas and sewer prices have gone up as well.

Not sure what's exactly great about this economy.

So what do we do about it? I don't know. I write posts and congress critters and all I ever get back is form letters. I hate phones, but because I'm not a big business, they aren't likely to answer anyhow.

I have heard many times that I should vote republican ( I am an independent but I haven't voted for a democrat in decades) and while I think that republicans are a better option, where is the actual proof that they will do anything to help? Where are the republican “leaders?” I see a lot of lower ranked , though very vocal, members of the GOP saying what they are going to do but where are the ones that can actually get the ball rolling?

I have heard it said that the real problem is incompetence in the administration. While I agree that Biden himself has some serious issues, I don't think that any of this is incompetence. I think that all this pain and suffering is being purposefully done by those he has surrounded himself with. They have a communist agenda and they want you and I to feel the pain to try and force us into their communist world view.

Sadly the easy fix is right under our feet,literally. Open the oil fields and pipe lines, get our energy independence going again. All Biden had to do was ride on the coat tails of the successes of the Trump administration and likely rolled into an easy victory in November. But instead he decided that destroying the country, more importantly the people of this country, was going to be his top priority.

I hope that the dems, who also could have done something to stop this, get a serious shellacking in the mid terms, but I won't hold my breath. They have proved that they will do anything to cling onto power so I am not holding my breath for a massive red wave, but should the GOP take control, my message is simple, know that all of us are watching you. You talk a good talk but will you actually deliver? If you don't, just know that what wrath you incur, just as the dems are right now, you will deserve. If you truly want to change lives the power will be in your hands, so something besides talk.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Red Flags


Writing does not come easy to me. I have a great deal of passion when it comes to religion and politics, and I make feeble attempts at writing about them, but most of the time I have a hard time getting from my passionate mind to where it makes any coherent sense in written form. I read many pundits who seem to make it child's play, my own brother writes plays and books, yet I struggle to make a coherent sentence.

I want to speak on the proposed Red Flag Laws. I had several pages of written opinion on this subject but I decided that short and to the point would be better.

This, if it is passed, will be a serious violation of the constitution. Not just the 2nd, but also of the 4th.

The simple version of this law, if passed, would allow anyone to accuse you of being a danger to yourself, or others, without actual evidence, just say so from the reporting body, and law enforcement would be able to then come and seize your guns. For many veterans, law enforcement, first responders or anyone who has experienced great trauma this could be potentially disastrous. We could easily be some of the first people targeted. Not to mention the danger to the police officers that would be required to enforce these laws.

But again this would be a violation of the 4th amendment. The 4th amendment says:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The law in question would not require any of that, maybe that will change, but at the moment it would be in clear violation of the 4th.

How about this; Instead of going after people who have done nothing wrong, which is the usual actions of politicians, how about enforce the laws on the books that are already there?

I remember talking to a friend who was a state trooper, he said that the law in that state said that if a person committed a felony gun crime, that person, if convicted, was looking at a minimum of 5 years in federal prison on top of whatever sentence they received for the actual crime. Just imagine if that was nation wide.

How about this, most of the mass shootings have been done by persons who were flagged as juveniles for potential trouble, but once they became adults those records are sealed. How about leaving those open until they are at least 21? How about seeing to it that they get the kind of mental help that they need instead of looking the other way? How about sticking veterans or retired law enforcement in the schools to protect them? I know many vets who would volunteer for that. There are many things that could be done that wouldn't infringe on any of our rights but that is not really what this is about. It is, as always, about power and control.

Instead of the above mentioned ideas,the government, led by both donkeys and rhinos ( otherwise known as communists) are going to try, once again, to restrict your rights just a little bit more just so they can say they did “something”.They will then find another excuse to take away more and it will continue.

If you don't think that will happen, just look at the last couple of years. Damn near all your rights were taken ( or willingly given up depending on your point of view) away over a bug. Don't you think they will continue this if they can? DHS was only to be for 5 years, as was the TSA, we are at 20 years and counting.

This is about power and control and both parties are a part of it.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

We Have Told God To Go Away.

 We have a problem in this country. We have told God to go away and we are reaping the rewards for it.

We worship at many altars but not the altars that God has called us to. We seem too prefer sacrificing at the altars of abortion,environmentalism, and gender dysphoria, rather then at the altar of the God who created all of us.

We worship at the altar of death instead of life. Euthanasia of our elderly and disabled, aborting the unborn, even after they are born, if some states get their way.

We worship at the altar of state. Even when we know something is wrong,we accept things because the state says it's OK even when it goes against the laws of our creator.

Our movies, music, video games all glorify death and destruction and our MSM glorifies it and put it all on display for us to see.

Our alleged leadership at local, state and federal levels,embrace and encourage it.

We tell our children that they are just a random accident and that life has no other meaning then narcissistic pleasure, and that taking life is nothing.

We have taught our youth to disdain God and the idea that there is any right or wrong, that there is only subjective truth based on your own feelings.

Right is wrong, wrong is right, and things that have been the norm throughout known history is silliness in this new enlightened world. Then we shake our heads and wonder why in the last 40 years there is such an increase in violent crimes and immorality ,in all forms, running amok.

We spend our time focused on objects used to commit these heinous crimes rather then the issues that actually could make a difference such as bringing back the ideas of morality, right and wrong, but also bringing back the idea of a nuclear family. Young people need stable homes. Mental health needs to be not only addressed but followed up on, not just words but action.

Simply put, much of the evil you see would be resolved if we returned to God given principals and values, much of the evil today is a result of casting that aside.

I do not claim to be the most religious of men. I have been ordained in two denominations, only one of which is current,and I have studied the bible intently,I prefer my religion to consist of a lot of outdoors rather than buildings, yet even I can see what has happened; We as a nation have thrown away God and we are reaping the rewards for that. It's a matter of the heart and soul.

Go and look at your bible,correction, don't just look at it,actually read it. The Children of Israel are a fine example of what we see today. As their leadership went, so went the nation. When their leadership followed the laws of God they were blessed and the nations around them were blessed because of their faithfulness, but when it wasn't faithful to God and his laws, Israel suffered greatly, ultimately leading to their collective exile.

Were all the people evil? Of course not, but the innocent suffered as much as the guilty, likely because they did nothing to stop it. This is a lesson for us to learn from.

Our alleged leadership has tossed all things godly aside, some may pay lip service but the bottom line is that they will go with whats popular rather then what is right in the eyes of God and we are paying the price for it.

Is everyone in this country guilty? No, but just like Israel, too many good, God fearing people, refuse to participate in discussion and debate and challenge what is PC.

I refuse to be one of those people. Not saying I am better then anyone else, we all have our proverbial skeletons hiding in the closet, but I am suggesting that it is time to make a stand for what is right.

Even if I am socially ostracized for calling for a return to God and His laws, I can't remain silent, the PC thought police can silence me, but I won't willingly be silent.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Hysterical Left


Happy Mothers day...ooops I meant Happy birthing persons day!!! That's what we should be calling it right? I keep getting so confused must be my PMS acting up, or is it hot flashes at my age? I don't know, I am just another confused person who used to understand basic biology but now must bow to this new so called science insanity....

Speaking of insanity, last week someone leaked an draft opinion piece that seemed to suggest that Roe V Wade is going to be overturned. Everyone lost their collective minds on the left over an opinion. It hasn't been finalized. We don't know for sure if it is going to happen, but rather then react to actual facts,as usual, they got their knickers all up in a bunch over something that hasn't happened yet.

Worse has been the silly hysterics of suggesting if this happens, that it is actually overturned, then democracy ( the lefts favorite word to use when things aren't going their way) comes to an end. Funny, most of Europe still exists, and from what I understand they have much stricter rules on abortion then we do, yet they are still here.

Just to be fair, I am not a fan of abortion. I think instead of abortion we should focus on making it easier for people to adopt or do foster care. Lest you think I don't put my money where my mouth is, we tried to adopt, I was told that because I am a disabled vet that we wouldn't be allowed and we were turned down for foster care because someone got upset by my thought that children in my care shouldn't be engaged in sex I my house, I know , I know, I am just an old prude who has no sense of modern sensibilities...

Back to the hysterics. My favorite one is the silly idea that if this goes through that one of the next things to go would be interracial marriages, because we all know just how evil those of us on the right are, you know rape, pillage and looting is our mantra, with a touch of tyranny and racism for good measure. Whats truly surprising is that they would have any concerns over marriage at all. I thought that marriage was an old white guy institution?

Having said that, following their undeniable wisdom, Justice Clarence Thomas would vote to nullify his own marriage? I am just positive that that would go over real well with all the politicians on either side who are in mixed marriages, not to mention the rest of us who are a product of mixed marriages or are in one ourselves. Would we all be grandfathered in? I am sure there must be a PC word for grandfather but I am too much of a fascist and patriarchal to figure it out. Or would we all be forced into unwanted divorces? Would we only be allowed to marry and reproduce with those that are the same? I know for myself that might be a bit tough.

I recently took a DNA test. I am almost half “North European” but the rest is a bit of a surprise. My fathers side ( he was Cuban) was a mixed bag of Spain, Portugal and, wait for it, African,( no, not south Africa) with just a touch of Native American thrown in and,likely some Jewishness. So tell me, you who are wailing and gnashing at the teeth, how is abolishing mixed marriages going to work or even remotely logical?

Of course it's not logical. That seems to be the common factor with almost anything that the left has gotten hysterical over in the last few years. No actual,or factual, information needed. Just good old fear mongering and lots of emotion.

What I think the real reason for the hysterics has come from, is the idea that it would go back to states for the people to vote on. It has never been federally passed into law, though many states have passed their own versions of legalizing abortion, and that, I believe, is the scary part for them. They are afraid that the vast majority of people would find late term abortions, right up to the moment of birth, abhorrent,which they should, and vote to limit it's use. Thus limiting the lefts influence. That is what they are truly hysterical over.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Free Speech


I haven't had a whole lot to write about lately. Correction. There has been way too much madness for my small brain to try and absorb that made writing about any of it almost impossible.

Today I will make an exception for my favorite subject, free speech.

In the last few years I have learned more then I ever wanted to know about the priorities of the donkeys. Their utter hatred for all things that are good and decent, and their intense attacks on all things sacred ,and truly scientific, is almost breathtaking. I can't understand how anyone of any faith can truly support them and yet there are those that do even as all things they believe in are being utterly destroyed by those same donkeys.

Of course it is your right to do so, and to express yourselves, under our first amendment. I am all for it even when I completely disagree with you.

However, because I disagree with you, I am going to speak out when I disagree with whatever is the popular thing going, even if that offends you. That is kind of the point of “free speech.” Not that you agree with everything but that you support the right to have that opinion even if it's repellent to you.

Fine example, and one of the reasons I won't ever vote donkey, are those clips, courtesy of Libs of Tik Tok, that show , in their own words, that the blue haired, multi pierced, gender dysphoric, “teachers” are going to try and continue to spew out their disgusting , grooming, messages to 8 year old's.

While I certainly disagree with what they are trying to do and think that the lot of them should be fired, they still have the right to speak their sad minds. As a parent you can't fight against what you don't know about, better to know what your enemies are doing rather then guess, then you can address it properly.

Rather then censor them, let them speak. If you don't agree with them don't listen to them. Kind of like the idea that if there is something on the idiot box you don't want to watch then you flip the channel and move on to something else. If you think it's offensive speak out but you don't have the right to stop others from viewing.

Another case in point. I once wrote a religious blog. After years of study and research I found that I disagreed with the main religion in this country. I went so far as to explain why and left it at that. I didn't attack anyone's faith, I simply spoke of my own. I lost hundreds of readers and that's OK. With a couple of notable exceptions, most just bowed out in what I consider to be an adult manner. No fuss no insult, just gone.

But today, once again, I see the donkeys and their media monkeys having a total cow over the idea of Elon Musk buying twitter, all because he believes in free speech.

Most of the platforms out there have become censors to everything that the political establishment is against. The donkeys know that that the government is prohibited from censor ship but it hasn't stopped them from getting into bed with all the major platforms and MSM to use their power to censor.

Enter Elon Musk.

He is not beholding to anyone ( though we all know that the MSM monkeys are going to try and paint him as badly as possible) and he has said quite publicly that he wants to restore twitter to the open, non censored, platform that it once was. To the donkeys this is apparently too evil for them to comprehend.

I have watched clip after clip of mostly left leaning donkey types damn near wetting themselves over the idea of him changing twitter. They have suggested that him taking over is tantamount to the end of civilization as we know it, many times, on different networks, they were repeating the same lines over and over.

First, for those who are having said cow, he just bought the company and hasn't done anything with it, as of this writing, so please get your knickers un-bunched and go to your safe space until the scary feeling goes away.

Second, and this one is for everybody, just because he says he's going to do something with the platform doesn't mean he will. I can say I am going to buy a Ferrari and drive it at 140 mph but until I do it is just words.

Third, even if he does make changes, what makes that a bad thing? Freedom of information,an exchange of ideas is somehow bad?

Lastly, he isn't the second coming. He is one man trying to so something to bring back freedom of speech, it's up to the rest of us to fight back as well to assure that it happens.

It truly comes down to control. If the donkeys loose control of the narrative, via the platforms, and the MSM, then they quite possibly loose control in the battle of ideas. That is what they are afraid of. They aren't afraid of him, they are afraid of you comparing ideas and thinking for yourselves.

If you start thinking for yourselves, based on all the information out there, they will loose and they know it, this is what they are truly afraid of , loosing control and all the power that goes with it.`

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Would You Defend Your Country?


Would you defend your country? If the Chinese decided to invade the US would you be willing to defend it?

There was a poll taken recently asking that very question. The results, while not terribly shocking, was , none the less, sad.

When it was all added up and averaged out only 55 percent of Americans would defend the homeland, the rest would flee or hide. All I can say is wow.

By parties, a large number of demonrats, said that they would flee, though 55 percent said they would fight. With repukelicans the number was up towards 70 percent and independents were at about 60.

By age groups it was even more telling. The vast majority ages 50 and up said that they would defend the homeland, this is the same population that has been involved with Vietnam right through Iraq and Afghanistan, yet most said that they would fight.

Below that age group, 18-34, the vast majority said quite the opposite. They would not fight. The reasoning was based on all the PC “education” that says that we as a nation are evil and racist and not worth defending.

I think about our forefathers, those men who signed up to fight when our nation was attacked at Pearl Harbor. Some of the men were not of legal age yet they lied and did whatever was necessary to be a part of the defense of our country. These are the same young men who stormed the beaches at Normandy and landed on the beaches of Iwo Jima. My own grandfather enlisted at the age of 14 in between WW1 and WW2 and served in places like Panama. He tried to reenlist when WW2 started but was refused because he had 5 kids at the time.

Like many of you I have no desire for war of any kind. I have no interest in going to Europe or Asia anymore then our forefathers did, but I would like to think that if we were attacked on our own soil, that we would show the world what true patriotism is like. But I'm not so sure anymore.

Over the last few weeks we have watched as Ukrainians of all types and ages have fought for their country. What ever you might think about the politics of all of it is irrelevant. For the average person Russia invaded their country and they are going to fight tooth and nail to stop them. That's what patriots do, right, wrong or indifferent, you defend your home against an invader.

From what I understand, the Ukraine government is quite corrupt, as is the Russian government, but the average people are not the government, yet despite the corruption, they fight, not for their government but for their homes and way of life.

As for me, if it comes to it, I will fight as long as I can. We may not be perfect, but our Constitution, our way of life, is worth preserving even with all it's warts and blemishes. While I don't agree with the politics involved I do salute the Ukrainians for standing up for their land and, quite frankly, giving us a lesson on what it takes to sacrifice for your country. Too many here have forgotten.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

End Of The Fillibuster

Some time in the next week or two the Donkeys are going to attempt an end run around the Constitution. They want very badly to pass their so called “voter rights” legislation to essentially legalize the federal take over of the election process in this country. However, they know they can't get the 60 votes for it ( never mind that it violates the constitution ) so they need to do an end run. Simply put they want to end the filibuster.

For those of you who don't know, the filibuster is the tool used in the senate to protect the rights of the minority party, it allows one senator or a group of senators to speak to either delay or stop a vote in the senate. It is essentially a tool in place to keep cooler heads prevailing when a piece of legislation is clearly partisan. With out the filibuster the majority only needs to get 51 votes, a simple majority, instead of the required 60. It was first introduced in 1806 but not used much until about 1837 and then was strengthened in the 1970's.

Now the donkeys, led by the chief donkey, want to change this. They want it removed. These are the same donkeys, that when the elephants were threatening to do the same in the mid 2000's, screamed that it would put an end to our “democracy.” I agreed with them then. Ending the filibuster means that the majority party, no matter how slim that majority is, can ram through legislation that in all actuality may not be particularly popular or needed.

So now we have some of those same donkeys screaming that if they don't get rid of the filibuster it will be the end of our democracy. Hypocrites.

The truth is, is that they know they can't pass this voter legislation without destroying the filibuster. They don't have enough votes to legally do it, so they want to change the rules and cheat, as always.

But please understand, this is about more then destroying the filibuster. This is little more then attempt by the donkeys to attempt one party rule. Again ignoring the constitutional battle that would occur if it was passed, if the federal government is in control of the elections, then they become the arbiters of what is allowed and what isn't. We saw what happened in the last “election” now picture that on steroids and for the foreseeable future. We will never again have a legitimate fair election.

But lets even set that aside for the moment. Imagine all the other crazy things that the donkeys have attempted to get through that would tax us into oblivion, such as the BBB, and destroy our economy to an even worse degree then it is already. Think about your freedoms that they would either get rid of or regulate to death. This one move can, and will, effect everyone if they succeed. There would literally be no stopping them, we would be a socialist nation in short order with no one to bail us out but ourselves, and most of us appear to be asleep at the switch or there would be a much louder outcry from all sides.


Thursday, January 6, 2022

SCOTUS vs Mandate


Tomorrow is a big day here in the United States. Today the media and politician types are focused on remembering the idiocy of Jan 6th of 2020. Tomorrow, Jan. 7 the rest of us may remember it as being the day that American freedom died.

On Jan.7th SCOTUS will hear arguments both for and against the federal governments stab mandates.

They will decide if the federal government can force private businesses into forcing their employees to get the controversial stabs.

Setting aside the fact that these are proving to be almost useless in preventing the spread of said bug, the issue at hand is much more profound.

If the court rules that the fed can indeed force this upon businesses of 100 or more employees, then it stands to reason that they will go after smaller businesses as well, and once they have accomplished that then they will go after all of us as individuals, there will literally be nothing to stop the federal government from forcing everyone into compliance by whatever means they deem necessary.

Maybe some of you reading this thinks that it's OK for the fed to do this because of your fear of this bug or you have been stabbed already and you're OK with forcing everyone. If that's the case, and it's your right to believe this way, whats next?

Our population is too big, we need to force sterilization or birth control on everyone to control the population because it's a health crisis.

You need to eat only the foods that we say are good for you because it's a health crisis.

You can't speak the truth or go against the accepted government controlled narrative because it could constitute a health emergency. This one is already happening in the background via social media.

We need to force everyone to give up their guns because “gun violence” is a health emergency. That one is already in the works, behind the scene.

But there is nothing to restrict them to health emergencies. Once the government has the right to dictate what we do with our bodies there is nothing they won't be able to do.

We don't want you living in the country because humans are destroying the environment so we are going to mandate that you live in suburbia or the city.

You don't need your own personal vehicle. See environment. So we are going to mandate that you give up your car, which you won't need because you'll be where there is public transportation.

Your religion has to be approved of, and monitored by, the state. Your old way of believing is a threat to mental health of individuals because you actually follow the bible.

These are not far fetched. Once you let the fed override the Constitution and violate your individual right to control your own body, everything else becomes a very real possibility.

We are at a serious crossroad here. We have been for awhile.

We have a set of elected officials, and many more that have not been elected, that want us to become a socialist/communist country. They are throwing everything that they have into this effort, including the mandates. If they win this one, and sadly I think they will, 6-3, they will have accomplished something that will be the envy of every despot and dictator in the world and it won't end with just this mandate, more will follow.

Pray. A lot.