Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Change The Constitution ?


This morning I read a couple of articles that were commenting on a column written concerning the US Constitution, the column suggesting that the constitution isn't working and it needs to be changed to reflect today's world, not the world of 1787. Suggesting that because most Americans have lost faith in the institution of government and those allegedly leading it, that the document needs to be changed

While I too have no faith in the government, regardless of party control, it is not the constitution that is at fault. The fault lies with those so called leaders that fail or out right refuse to follow the constitution that are the problem.

Whether it's 2022 or 1787 tyranny is the same. The faces may change, and some small details might be different but tyranny ,at it's heart, hasn't changed. Our founding fathers knew this, they had lived it.

No, the problem is not with the document, the problem is that for many years that document has not been followed. If it had been we wouldn't even be thinking about it.

The federal government powers were limited to a very few things such as defending the country, coining money and passing laws that were in accordance with the constitution.

The three branches of government, the executive, the legislative and the judicial all had their very specific roles to play and were meant to be checks and balances against one rule tyranny. They were never meant, as we have seen in the last few decades, to over lap.

Most of the power was meant for the individual states to have, not the federal government.

In the beginning they only met for short periods of times and , at best , had a stipend to compensate them for their time. There were no full time politicians.

There was no massive federal government institutions (see the part about limited government) employing 1.5 million workers, there wasn't even a standing army at the time. When the government can go into a partial shut down and lay off 800,000 as “non essential” you know it has become way to big.

For the most part, up until the civil war, the federal government stayed out of the states business and the states left their people alone. Then everything started to change. Not to the degree we see today, but it started there.

Since that time, the constitution has been ignored repeatedly.

Woodrow Wilson is responsible for the creation of the federal reserve, negating the governments responsibilities in creating and backing of our money. Nixon took us off the gold standard and so now our money is virtually worthless.

The “great society” created by Lyndon Johnson put in place what is now a series of massive social programs and institutions, again negating the constitution, that spoke of limited government.

George Bush the younger after 9/1/1 created a bunch of lettered security agencies to allegedly spy on our enemies, and apparently on us, that has gone from a few to something along the lines of 16 or so.

We have allowed our government to run us all into pointless wars ( none declared by congress since WW2) for decades now, the last time there was any real opposition was during Vietnam but the government kept it up anyhow until they were forced to quit.

There are countless examples of this kind of government expansions from both parties, more then I can write here, but that's not the only issue.

We have three branches of government, as I mentioned before, and all of them have a purpose of which none of them seem to be following.

The executive is supposed to uphold the laws and defend/ follow the constitution.

The legislative is supposed to make law and provide for spending.

The judicial is to uphold laws and determine whether or not a law is constitutionally sound.

All of this is supposed to be with the consent of the people.

Instead we have the executive making laws with a stroke of a pen without the approval of the legislative and completely ignoring things, such as the border and national defense, of which they are charged to do.

We have a legislature that is so out of touch with their constituents, that instead of doing what they are told to by the people they represent, they instead go with whatever either the big corporations want or their party demands no matter how destructive it is to the country.

The judicial has become a kangaroo court for what ever is popular and totally ignores the fact that they are supposed to interpret laws according to the constitution not their feelings.

The problem is not the constitution, the problem is those elected, by the people, are not doing their job of upholding the will of the people or the words of the constitution.

So rather then “fix” the constitution, which isn't the issue, we need to go back to it.

We need to get rid of all the useless government agencies that tax and regulate us to death.

We need to hold all our representatives feet to the fire, if they are not doing as we wish, remember they work for us, then they should be recalled and fired.

Term limits should be in place, no more lifetime politicians.

There should be put in place an amendment that would hold the judicial to following the constitution as it is written rather then by feelings and there should be a system in place to fire them if it becomes obvious that they won't.

The executive should be limited to only using executive orders in an emergency and even then it should go through some sort of review by the other two branches to assure it is constitutionally sound.

I am sure that there are many more suggestions that could be made but really until “we the people” stand up and demand change and a return to the constitution will anything come of this.

The powers that be certainly aren't going to give it up willingly.

So the problem is not with the constitution, the problem is with those that refuse to follow or enforce it.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Blood On Their Hands


I am not one to be very shy about what I believe whether it be religious or political. I have, in these days of mass censorship, used code words that anyone with a thinking mind could figure out. Today there will be no code words. I am going to be blunt.

A friends husband died today. He was admitted to a hospital with pneumonia and tested positive for Covid . He was then transferred to a larger hospital. Where apparently they did nothing for him except putting him on a ventilator. No Ivermectin, no Hydrochlorquine ( not sure on either spelling) both proven drugs used for respiratory issues. No daily exercise, no sunlight, just locked away from his wife and friends until he died. His wife and daughter had been stabbed, he was not able to take the stab. He died.

Why? Not because of not being stabbed, no he died because stabbing is the only thing this BS administration, and alleged medical experts will allow to be used.

There was no need for him to die. There has been no reason for many others who have died. If the protocols that have been used for decades were still being used then hundreds of thousand here in this country and millions more around the world would still be alive.

The blame for this does not go to unstabbed. Many of the unstabbed, to include myself, have had the bug and now are immune to it. We don't need the stab. It's not terribly effective anyhow.

The blame goes completely on Dr. Fauci and his minions, as well as Joe Biden and his cronies. It also goes out to all the lobbyist and the big pharma who have done nothing but push the stab. A Stab that has killed and maimed hundreds of thousands that we know about, which is also blood on them.


May God have mercy on their black corrupt souls, if there is a hell, I hope they all find themselves there in the most hottest cavern possible.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

NY Detention


I would imagine by now that you have heard of the detention facilities in Australia. These are the places that those who have contracted the bug, or have just been in contact with someone who has it,have been forcibly detained.

Then there are those who have been minding their own business and have been arrested for either not having a mask on, outside, and while smoking, or they were outside the limits of a distance forced upon them by their government. This is real life now and guess what? Just as the prophet foretold, it's coming here.

Yesterday Boston got in on the act and announced that they are now going to do the whole forced stab thing in order to do anything indoors. Combine that with NYC mandates and you have quite a section of the North East involved with this idiocy.

In NYC there has been numerous reports of folks defying these mandates and being arrested in various eating establishment, for the crime of no mask or stab, and for the nerve of wanting to eat. First they loose their jobs and then they can't buy food. All because they refuse to get stabbed, a stab that doesn't work very well, for a bug 99.6 percent of the population survives.

But it's about to get a lot worse, starting with NY state assembly.

In an article I read yesterday. NY has legislation waiting in the wings that would allow for anyone from the governor down to medical personal, to essentially detain anyone of whom “authorities” deem to be a medical threat to society. They could essentially lock you away for 60 days and, upon further review, indefinitely.

I will provide you a link. In that link there will be another link that will let you read the actual legislation. It is scary. It hasn't passed yet but, allegedly, it's expected in come up in 2022.

One of the things that I have learned in my shortish life time is that if it happens in NY or California, it eventually spreads to all parts of the country, especially those that are blue.

I can't imagine it spreading much beyond the blue spots in this country but the fact that it's even being considered here in what was once a free nation is down right scary.

So to my friends in the east, particularly in New England, either get out while you can, or organize and get loud and don't let this happen to you. There is plenty of room out here in fly over country for you.

Here is the link:

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Lights And No Fear


Last week I went on a bit of an adventure. It probably wouldn't be a big deal for most people but it was for me because it involved a massively large amount of people. I don't do large masses of people, if I can help it, but I made an exception in this case. In all fairness I could only deal with it for a few hours and I won't lie and tell you I had a great time (see my above stated dislike for lots of people) but it actually isn't the point of this missive.

It was what I witnessed while there that was truly an eye opening experience.

Here in Missouri we have, in the south western part of the state , a small city called Branson. The city is known as the Christmas Tree City and it is about as family friendly a place as you could imagine. They have museums and theme parks, as well as the old city, filled with shopping. Is has been referred to as the Las Vegas of the region, without the casinos or the call girls. It is arguably one of the best know tourist areas in this area and literally people from all over the world go there to visit and enjoy all that it offers.

Probably the best known park there is Silver Dollar City. It has an old town feel, many shops, several theaters for live shows, and rides galore. It is also unabashedly Christian run.

Starting in July they start putting up millions of lights and displays for the Christmas holidays, and start lighting it all up the first of November. People come from all over the country, and the world, to see this display. This year we were among them.

I don't know how many vehicles that their parking lots can hold, but to say thousands would not be an exaggeration. The fact that they have multiple large parking areas should tell you as much all by itself.

As we were walking up to the entrance (that was a much longer walk then it sounds) I was looking at license plates and I saw plates from all over the country. Predominately the surrounding states but still there were folks from as far away as Minnesota. These were just the ones in my view.

Then we got to the main entrance.

Having lived in a blue state for most of the lock downs I was waiting for someone to tell me to put on a mask or ask about stab status. Crickets. We still had to go through security and have our bags checked but not a word about anything else.

As I mentioned before, I don't like crowds, but when put into that situation I tend to find a wall or something to have my back to and I observe.

What I observed in a normal world wouldn't seem all that strange. People were having a good time. People were smiling ( no masks ,with a few exceptions ) and laughing, even when standing in line for rides or food. Folks were genuinely enjoying themselves.

There were all the colors of the rainbow (people) circulating about and several languages being spoken. People were generally friendly and polite. Did I mention there were thousands of people there? All at the same time?

No one was living in fear. There were no “Karens” yelling or lecturing people. It was the world as I remember before everyone started giving in to the fear porn.

Now the powers that be are talking about a new variety. The media has hyped it, again. It seems they don't want the fear to ever end.

What I saw there was an extreme lack of fear and it gives me hope for the future.

Seeing so many people together, having a great time and not oozing fear made it all worth while.

I still don't like crowds. Probably never will. But it was worth it just to see people being free.

By the way the lights were great.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

As The Prophets Foretold


There was a thing going around a few years that suggested if you wanted to make any statement amusing just add the phrase “as the prophets foretold.” like, the sun is shining today “just as the prophets foretold.” Kind of silly , but it was funny at the time. I know, I have a strange sense of humor but it's not so funny anymore.

Almost two years ago now, after the national emergency was declared, and states went into lock downs “to flatten the curb” many a prediction was made by many “prophets” giving scenarios of what was going to occur. Most were considered “conspiracy theories” by the alleged “experts” and yet look how many have actually come to pass.

Lock downs were only going to be temporary, 14 days to flatten the curve, yet, in many places “as the prophets foretold” they are still under perpetual lock downs.

There would never be a need for a passport to prove you are “stabbed” yet “as the prophets foretold” in NYC and other blue places, you can't do anything without the stab port, including life saving surgeries.

There would never be a stab mandate and yet “as the prophet foretold” many states are forcing it in order to work, and the beltway gang is trying to force it on everyone. Many in the medical world are being threatened with job loss if they even write their opinions of these mandates, or other alternatives to stabs, on social media. The police , military and first responders, are being fired by the thousands because they refuse the mandatory stab, causing massive problems in the cities and towns, again just “as the prophets foretold.”

Thousands that are getting the stab ( just in this country alone) are dying, and many, hundreds of thousands, are having serious side effects, as reported by the alleged head honchos themselves yet these facts are being ignored to continue the fear mongering, get stabbed or else, just “as the prophets foretold.”

The media, the left, and some on the right, are ignoring actual science. Thousands of credible sources, and reported by many studies, all of them peer reviewed and published,show natural immunity is better then any stab, and that masks are useless. But rather then report these facts they have stuck to the narrative of fear and mandates just “as the prophets foretold.”

Now,as the last version of the bug goes down into the night, the next variation has arrived “just as the prophets foretold” it would. Just in time to screw with the holidays and to reintroduce a state of fear and panic on the masses. Doesn't matter that it appears to be mild, according to the Doctor who discovered it, nope, we must fear it as we have been led to fear everything else over the last two years, all of which was “foretold by the prophets.”

In Europe many thousands have been protesting. New Zealand and Australia as well. Here in the USA, with a few notable exceptions, it has mostly been quiet. Why is that? Have we finally come to a place where the vast majority of people want the belt way to run their lives? I know there are many lawsuits out there against all of these draconian measures but time has proven that the court system has become more about politics then the truth.

The “prophets” predict that America will fall to tyranny/communism under the guise of health emergencies. I hope they are wrong but so far they are batting 100.

This only ends when we stop it ourselves, no one is coming to save us, “just as the prophets foretold.”

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Rejoice And Be Happy


Over the last few days I have noticed that a lot of people are just hell bent to be unhappy.

Articles and news stories filled with people going out of their way to disparage Thanksgiving.

Essentially trying to tell all of us that we should be unhappy and ungrateful for the blessings that we have in this nation, focusing rather on the sins of the past, in a time and era where none of us were alive.

They are to be pitied for not recognizing what they have .

With Thanksgiving now past and the official start of Hanukkah tonight ,and the Christmas season in full swing, I'd like to give some of those unhappy campers a piece of friendly advice. Only you can decide to be happy. I can't do it for you and neither can anyone else. If you are determined to be miserable you will succeed.

For me and my family this is our favorite time of the year, from fall starting, to ending in the New Year, we try to be happy and grateful for what we have. I will grant you that this past year has been a hard one, my family and I have had to make some hard choices, but in the long run we are still blessed.

One very common theme to be found in the Bible is the idea of rejoicing.

Deut. 14:26 speaking of the Israelite people going to celebrate their festivals “….And you shall feast there in the presence of the Lord your God and REJOICE with your household.” This command is repeated over and over sometimes replacing rejoice with happy. See chapter 12:7,12,18 and chapter 16:13-15.

There are many more verses like these but I think you get the point.

God told the people to rejoice and be happy before they even had their own nation! He knew their collective flaws and tendencies and what they would do before hand and yet he commanded them to be happy!

I would humbly submit to you that despite everything that has come before and no matter what may come in the days ahead we should, at the very least, try to let the light of happiness shine through.

Happiness and rejoicing are contagious and that is one contagion I would love to see spread.

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to all of you.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

This Is America

A true story. Not just a true story but a true story as observed by this humble writer. This is short story that shows what America actually is compared to what we are told to believe.

I went to the barbershop today to get a haircut, nothing unusual about that, it was the conversation that I was hearing while waiting my turn.

Two men were talking, best I could tell they had never met before, the older of the two, who was also waiting his turn, was about my age, while the other, who was getting his haircut, might have been thirty.

Apparently they were from the same neck of the woods in Florida. They talked about towns and

schools that they both knew and went to and they talked about what had brought them to this area of Missouri. By the time they both left they were calling each other cousin. I watched while they continued talking in the parking lot, they appeared to have swapped cell numbers and they parted with a hug that spoke family.

Here is what I didn't tell you, the man who was my age was as white as the driven snow. He could have been the poster child for what folks might consider “redneck” and what the MSM would suggest is a racist.

The other man was as black as midnight, dressed to the nines, he might have been the poster boy for a new boys band and surely would be seen as a BLM supporter.

Yet....and this is a big yet....they left each other as family.

This, my friends, is the real America.

The race hating that they are showing on the idiot box is NOT the real story. The real story exists outside of the DC beltway and the coastal elite cities and is epitomized by these two men.

This is America.

Happy Thanksgiving. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

Communist NWO 2


A week or so ago I posted my viewpoint that we are coming under a Marxist/NWO regime here in the USA. I gave my reasoning, via observation, and then posted it to my blog and put the link on FB. I did it that way so that it wouldn't get censored or deleted by the fascist overlords that control the page.

Today I am going to add to my view but I won't be hiding my opinion because I think for way to long many of us, who are conservative or at least libertarian, have been hiding, hoping this is all going to go away, well it's not. Not unless we all come together and stand up for ourselves. Otherwise this is only going to get worse.

Last week the DOJ stated that they were going to use the full power of the government to go after parents who speak up and against the current politically correct agendas at school board meetings.

Are you listening? The DOJ is going to come after you because you don't like the idea of CRT being taught in your schools. You are going to be labeled a domestic terrorist and possibly find yourself in the cross hairs of the FBI, if you oppose the idea of boys being in girls bathrooms or you find that the porno they are passing off as ways to help boys and girls understand their sexuality is morally repugnant. If you are against all that and you use your God given rights to speak up, you just might get jailed for it. Think about this, you can't speak up unless it's government approved!!

I don't know what else I can say to persuade you. The last donkey used the IRS to target conservative groups, this donkey (or should I say his handlers) are going full out communist and fascist to destroy our country. They want you to be taxed for every mile you drive, they want the IRS to have access to your bank account. They are going out of their way to open our borders wide and punish the BP for doing their jobs.

The list goes on and on and quite frankly I am tired of trying to persuade people to see what is right in front of them. At one time I had hundreds of readers, now I only have a few because apparently the blunt truth was too much. At least no one will ever be able to say I didn't speak out when and where I could.

I end this with a link to my last post, if you think I'm nuts , do nothing, but if you think even for a second, that I , and others like me, could be right, then do something about it. Take the chance and speak out, don't let us go down to the dust bin of history.

Here is the link.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Communist NWO


At the risk of offending some folks I am going to make a rather blunt statement.

If you support, or approve, of all the madness that is currently taking place by the donkey party, and their Rhino backers ,you are supporting communism. All the people that the donkey in chief has surrounded himself with are Marxists. His latest pick for banking, literally, graduated from a soviet university and has been quite vocal about praising the soviet style system in both the USSR and China, go look it up, it's quite true.

It has been said that if you don't study/learn from history you are doomed to repeat it.

The Soviet Union and the Nazi's had a few things in common, as have many of the failed communist states since, the biggest of these was a total purging of all those that they considered a threat to them or the parties goals. This should sound familiar to you because this is whats happening today, right here in the USA, even as I write this..

A short history lesson for you, brought to you by uncle Iggy's condensed version...

Back before Hitler invaded Poland he signed an non aggression treaty with the Soviet Union. Stalin decided to take advantage of that and began purging his military of all his experienced officers because they were considered a threat to him and the communist party and so they were “removed.” The lucky ones went to Siberia the rest were executed. He was so paranoid of loosing his power that he almost lost his entire empire because of that purge, and a lack of experienced veterans, when Hitler decided to invade after all. As a side note, that is relevant to this discussion, they also purged any one and everyone that they considered a threat to them, this included doctors, lawyers, teachers professors, police, anyone who was considered an intellectual or who could think for themselves and yes that included preachers and Rabbi's. Hitler had done the same he just did most of it before he started the war.

The parallel today is that our military is being purged. Men and women are leaving rather then getting a forced stab, even in the light that they could get a dishonorable discharge, and loose all benefits. For many years now, this goes back to the dark ages when I was still in, we have witnessed as our military leaders have become political monsters rather then war fighters, we have a very dangerous enemy in China and yet our so called “leaders” are more concerned with being woke and kissing the backsides of the special interests groups, and politicians, then they are about preparing for, and winning, a very real possible war. Instead they jail those who question them or those that have the “wrong” political views.

The Soviets as well as the Nazi's nationalized their police thus giving control to the government.

Communist led BLM as well as the communist in the local and federal government have been pushing to de fund the police, all the while calling for a federalization of the police nation wide, controlled by the folks in DC, Brown shirts or KGB anyone?

You have a purge going on of medical personnel as well. From administrators, doctors, nurses all the way to the janitor washing the floor. That the donkey's in charge are demanding they be sacked or stabbed. Some won't be able to draw unemployment depending on which communist area they live.

Any one over the age of thirty or so will also likely remember that the federal government, particularly when the donkeys are in charge, have been trying to take total control of the medical industry in this country. So they create a problem,( say a virus) then have forced stabs, (alleged solution) which many do not want, leading to staff shortages and viola the donkeys bring in the cavalry, what's left of the woke military, and save the day. Government gets control.

Perhaps you might think I am over blowing this. Perhaps you believe me to be wrong. That's OK because in my small world, you still have freedom to disagree, but try that with the current mob and see what happens to you. Big tech and the donkeys are all in bed together and they want this massive purge to happen. Why? It's easier to control the population if they have control of everything., including your body.

Ask yourself this, if you don't believe that this is a communist take over and a purge of those who dissent, why the mandates? Why force people into taking something that they don't want into their bodies? Why put literally millions in a position where they either have to get stabbed with no knowledge of what the long term effects are or loosing everything and starving to death. The stabs aren't remotely working any better then any other flu shot and has shown a huge amount of adverse reactions, so if this isn't about control of the population, why the mandates?

Maybe I should use another word other than communist...perhaps globalist would be a better word?

The health director from Australia said to the effect that nothing was going to go back to normal in this New World Order. She is not alone in saying that. Other alleged leaders have suggest that it's a great reset. The only way to do that is with dictatorial control ( using the virus as an excuse in this case) as communists have done for over a hundred years.

They want a NWO. We are in their way. Most thinking Americans don't want to be told by anyone, donkey or elephant, what to do. Many of us are vocal about our opinions. Honestly most of us would prefer to be left alone by government. Many of us read and understand the risks, either way, and don't want to be forced, but that doesn't suit the agenda. If you can't control the people you can't control the narrative or make the forced changes you want.

What I think is going to happen is eventually they are going to try and force everyone into compliance knowing that many of us will continue to resist, they will take our homes, keep us from food, and any kind of health care, until we either submit or die. I also believe that when the stab starts killing people in the thousands because their immune system is compromised, they will point the finger at all of us “resistors” and give license to the population to do with us as they will.

This is my belief. The communist did it to their people, as did the Nazi's. The Jews saw themselves as good Germans and wound up being nearly exterminated because they ignored what was happening. Is history going to repeat itself? Time will tell.

I hope I am wrong

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Children Of The Same Foul Spirit?


This last weekend marked the 20th anniversary of 911, a day that changed everything about the United States and , by default, the world. This past weekend there were countless memorial services. Wreaths were laid and names recalled of the fallen, and all our assorted, alleged, leaders spoke in solemn words. It is to one of those speakers of “solemn words” that I would like to talk to.

The elephant who started this massive twenty year excursion into attempted nation building had some choice words comparing the Taliban to alleged “violent extremism” at home.

We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders, but in violence that gathers within,” “There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and those at home. But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit, and it is our duty to confront them.”

Children of the same foul spirit? Nope he is not speaking about those who rioted and destroyed cities last year, he is speaking of “Orange man bad” supporters, but not only those, he is speaking of everyone who opposes the status quo, or the NWO, or dares speak out against the government dictates in violation of the Constitution. In other words damn near 100 million people, likely more.

With what little respect I can find Mr. Elephant; You and your former administration are the “children of the same foul spirit.”

You and your cronies started what has been known as our endless wars over what is now known to be false pretenses; in other words you lied. Why? Many theories, the least of which is finishing a fight your daddy started but didn't finish, to the most prominent being for nothing but profit for your family and for your various henchmen.

You also put into play the “Patriot Act” which , to this day , still continues to violate our privacy and curbs freedoms, all in the name of security.

The big eared donkey that followed you saw just how successful you were and so he followed suit building upon the deep state that your father had started. In fact in my life time there has only been two presidents who seemed more interested in doing right by the people and the Constitution. One liked his jelly beans and the other was Orange man bad. Before that it might have been the assassinated one.

Every president since has had only the interest of the military industrial complex and the deep state. The people are nothing but a source of taxes and blood.

So please spare me the nonsense that somehow those of us opposed to the corrupt politics of our day and the blatant disregard for law and the constitution are somehow in the same league as terrorists.

But lets follow his so called logic for a moment shall we...

So let me see if I understand this. If I have served my country in the endless wars but haven't flown a plane into a building , I am of the same “foul spirit” of those who did?

If I question the integrity of the election, and have spoken out about it, but I haven't beheaded my opponents, I still have the “same foul spirit?”

If I have marched in protest, while waving an American flag, but I haven't stoned a woman to death for speaking to a man, I still have that “foul spirit.”

If I have fought for my country on the battlefield and yet have never born arms against my fellow Americans I still have that “foul spirit?”

I know that it was a rather poorly veiled referral at the DC riots, but the wording would suggest that it applies to all of us who have the nerve to question, and to protest, anything that the establishment says is so.

Quite frankly I don't buy into the official report of 911. You can call me a “tinfoil hat” conspiracy nut if you wish, but look at where we are after 20 years. If you question the powers that be, on anything from national security to the stab you are now considered a traitor or possible terrorist. If you voted for the candidate that doesn't meet the approval of the MSM or the deep state you are possibly a terrorist. If you are white, Christian, Jew, conservative, veteran or any combination of the above, you are now a potential terrorist. So for little more than loving your country, believing in the Constitution and the rule of law, you now , somehow in a massive convoluted way, share the same “foul spirit” of the terrorists.

No sir, you and yours are the children of the same foul spirit, not those of us who truly love our country.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

It Is About Freedom


I would never have believed that I would hear the words that came out of the donkey in chief. “This is not about freedom” WOW. Not about freedom?? Really?

None of this should surprise me. The donkeys have made it a point to try and destroy everything in this country for the last couple of decades, they simply cannot abide anyone who dares think or sees anything differently then they do.

Setting aside his alleged “facts”, which had more holes then Swiss cheese, can you imagine if the chief of elephants had done the same thing? There would be riots in the streets with the chanting mantra of “my body my choice” in fact ,where is that cry now? Please don't try to tell me this is in any way different. When you abort a child you are killing that child, Yet you will cry for bodily freedom to kill,but because I won't get a “stab” I'm somehow a killer or to blame for all of those who get sick, who, by the way, have already been stabbed!!

I have asked this before but I will do it again. If this stands, that most are going to be forced into a stab, where does it end? Booster shots for ever? Other procedures you don't want, such as forced sterilization, but they mandate? Where does it end?

Worse yet is the folks that are screaming the loudest are some of the most fat and nasty individuals you will ever meet. They know nothing about nutrition and eating right and yet somehow it is your fault that they become sick! Basic nutrition will tell you that disease feasts on those who are fat and lazy, you put in a ton of sugar you are going to get fat and get sick, these are facts. Yet I don't care if that's they way you want to eat, please be my guest, but don't bitch at me because I am living healthy and I don't want unproven chemicals/technology stabbed into me.

Remember something else as well, many of those who are pushing for this stab, all over the world, in the alleged leaderships, are about Eugenics. For those of you who don't know, simply put, it's population control. Sound familiar? You only have to go back about 100 years to find it popularity which was epitomized by the Nazi's.

No one knows what the long term effects are going to be. Many have suggested it could lead to sterilization. Maybe it won't, but the fact of the matter is thousands have died from the stab and hundreds of thousands have had adverse reactions, ( including 4 people that I know personally)these are just the ones reported, the actual number isn't known because the media does it's best to suppress the information, but the bottom line is no one knows what the long term effects are going to be.

So whats next? What other procedures are going to be “for the good of the people?” Maybe forced abortions? Why not, they do it in China ,and we are following in their foot steps. Forced Euthanasia if you are too old, so that you don't become a burden to society? What about euthanasia for the handicapped? Don't think it will get to that point? IT ALREADY HAS. If they can force you to get a stab that you don't want, then there is nothing they can't force upon you.

If you have been stabbed, I take no issue with you. I have had many a stab in the past, ones that were long proven to work and so I had no issue with them, but I do take issue with you if you don't take a stand for the rights of others to not get the stab.

Many times I have stated that I will hold up your God given rights to free speech, even when I disagree with it, and I warned at the time, that if you didn't stand for that right, then it would be taken from you, and it all but has. This issue is the same but a thousand times worse. If you don't stand up for peoples rights to refuse today, there won't be anyone left to defend you down the road in time, when it becomes something you don't want done to you.

Sorry Mr. Donkey o Gropes, this damn well is about freedom and anyone who sees it differently deserves exactly what is going to come.

God help us all , we are going to need it.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Back in the dark ages I was a platoon Sgt. That meant I was responsible ,and was in charge of , a platoon of Marines. At one point I was the acting company commander, (for about a week as I was the most senior person available at that time) which meant I was in charge,technically speaking, of an entire company of Marines even though I was but an enlisted man. I was in charge and therefore RESPONSIBLE for all that went on with my Marines.

Getting ready to go to war and the process of getting our equipment there was also my RESPONSIBLITY and there were many things that I had to see to to make sure that everyone had their personal equipment, weapons ammunition etc. The bottom line is that the RESPONSIBLITY was with me.

Sections had their NCO's in charge and they reported to me, but if something went wrong I was the one who had to report to the CO or the 1st. Sgt on what happened and it was usually up to me to fix said problem, the ultimate RESPONSIBLITY was mine.

Everyone who has ever served in the military understands that there is chain of command and that ultimately the higher ranks are the ones RESPONSIBILE for what goes on under their commands.

I look back at the time of D-Day Gen. Eisenhower wrote two letters just before that day. One was to congratulate the troops on their successful invasion of France but the other, which is more relevant to this discussion, was a letter of resignation and RESPONSIBILITY for his massive failure, luckily for him, and our nation, he didn't have to submit that letter.

Today, our military, in the higher ranks, are filled with little more than politicians wearing uniforms, suits with ribbons, that seem more interested in political correctness then actually winning wars, or even dignified withdrawals.

Never before have I ever witnessed our nation purposefully leaving people behind even while openly admitting to doing so and still no one takes RESPONSIBILITY. No one has resigned, no one has been fired for this debacle and in fact they seem to be patting themselves on the back for such a “historic evacuation” what?

They keep claiming that no one could have seen this coming, from the generals to our so called intelligence agencies, and yet ask the average grunt who spent time over there ( this would include Iraq or Vietnam) and they could have told you it would happen and some did, years ago. You had to be dumber then a rock, and that's an insult to rocks, to not see it.

I salute the men and women in the ranks, you did your jobs to the best of what you were allowed, but I have no faith, at all, in any of those in command all the way up to the President. You should be held RESPONSIBILE and fired, all of you. We need new leadership, heaven help us if we don't get it soon. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Surprise From Revelations

Today my wife was on one of the pages she follows on FB. One of the women on that page expressed her concerns about the stab, said she had been praying about and wants to do whats right. She has some concerns based on her own health and was looking for answers. One of the responses got my attention.

I haven't written anything on a religious subject for a long time and really this isn't going to be massively so, but the response that came from someone is found in the NT book of Revelations and, to say the least, I was shocked at what it said.

Chapter 18 verse 23 from the NKJV : “The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.”

Now you might be wondering what does this have to do with anything, glad you asked. Look at the word “sorcery” most of the time when we think of that word we associate it with magic and witchcraft, generally in a very negative context, and while it is used that way that's not the actual translation of the Greek.

Strongs exhaustive concordance, Greek number #5331 says that the word translates into “pharmakeia” otherwise know today as “pharmacy” It signified the use of medicine,drugs and spells as well as poisoning and witchcraft.

That word comes from #5332 “pharmakeus” which comes from “pharmakon” meaning a “druggist” (pharmacist) or poisoner.

In all fairness, it has been translated into almost every English version as either Sorcery, or witchcraft,but this was translated ( Such as the King James version) by people who were deathly afraid of anything that resembled magic or witchcraft.

The word “merchant” is pretty straight forward but consider the words that they “were the great men of the earth” So who today would be considered the “Great men of the earth” big corporations with world wide reach, big pharma. The world wide banking system? All these ( and many more) are all connected and ,quite frankly, they are the ones running the world. Do you really think that the politicians are in charge? They are mere puppets paid for by corporations, in actual control, to do their bidding.

Now put the actual Greek word into play and re read the verse, especially the end. “For your merchants(big pharma, world wide conglomerates etc.) were the great men of the earth, for by your “Pharmacy” all the nations were deceived.”

Now imagine being John on the isle of Patmos having visions of the end of time and you have a vision that you can't quite understand, but you write what you see based on what you know. How would you explain the world wide reach of companies, when you had no frame of reference? He would have been familiar with apothecary but he would not have been familiar with chemical meds. or stabs but he recognized it for what it was by using the word “Pharmakeia” and even if you accept “sorcery” as the appropriate translation you have to ask what was he seeing that would have caused him to use that word.

I can't say for a certainty what he saw, or was suggesting, but I can see that the corporate controlled governments of the world are certainly pushing for a stab for everyone. One that has had bad effects on many that have received it, without having a clue on the long term effects. I would call that deceiving the people.

I don't really think that this stab is the mark of the beast. Some have suggested that it is but I disagree. My reading suggests that there is a spiritual choice that has to made in order to receive that mark on the hand or the forehead, it says nothing about a shoulder,but that's a subject for another day.

I will say this though; I believe we are all being deceived, at the very least lied to, just as Revelations suggests. All you have to do is look around you, ignore what your being told is true, and see ALL that IS going on and draw your own conclusions. Choose wisely. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Who Is Responsible


Yesterday made it official. We lost. Not because of the American or allied troops on the ground doing the actual fighting, and dying, but because of incompetent leadership.

Everyone in the media and many war vets are placing the blame on Biden, and well they should, after all he has been in the senate, been vice president twice, and now is allegedly the commander in chief, during all of this, so yes he and his failed policies and short shortsightedness should be blamed, but he is hardly the only one.

Go back twenty years and walk with me through the dark times right after 911. We bombed the living hell out of the Taliban in the beginning. We almost completely smashed them into oblivion. President Bush could have left it there and made it very clear to the world and especially terrorist that if you attack us we will utterly destroy you. Reagan did that to Libya and they stayed silent for 30 years but no that wasn't enough for the Bush/Cheney clan. Why? Because war pays,especially for them and their contractor friends.

But even blaming them isn't enough. The military leadership is responsible as well. Since Vietnam we have fought in a series of conflicts with no real plan to win. Somehow military leadership, with the PC pushing of the politicians, got it into their silly heads, that what these people wanted was our style of government. So we needed to win the hearts and minds of the people rather then to utterly crush our enemies, then they act surprised when the people surrender in mass to our enemies, once we leave.

Just in my life time; Vietnam, Gulf war, ( we kicked them out of Kuwait but didn't finish the job) Iraq ( or gulf war 2) and Afghanistan have all been lost because of the incompetence, and the greed, of those that are supposed to be defending this country, from the president's on down to the generals, intel and the un elected swamp critters and government contractors, all are to blame.

But has anyone resigned over their failures? Nope. They try to blame Trump, the try to blame “bad intel” but they never place the blame or take responsibility for their politically correct policy failures.

To all of us who have fought in these wars, know that we have fought honorably with courage, and commitment, our so called leadership can never understand. I am proud of all of us and I will not hang my head in shame for my part in this war. The shame goes to those who abandoned us and our allies.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Honesty, Integrity and Discernment


Honesty,integrity,discernment. Three words that are linked, and yet seem to be missing in today's lunatic run world.

Back in the dark ages when I was a platoon Sgt. We had to give classes from time to time to our junior Marines. The one I taught the most had to do with honesty and integrity. Honesty is rather simple, doing what is right and truthful, even when you might get punished for it, and integrity, being connected to honesty, is simply doing what is right even if no one is looking.

An example given to me by an old Sgt. Maj. who was a Vietnam vet, once said that honesty and integrity could be summed up this way; if he was to head out on a weekend pass and dropped his wallet on the parade deck, either a Marine would spot it and quickly get it to him, or, upon his return, he should either find it where he lost it or it would be turned into the officer of the day with all his money still there. I have never forgotten that.

Discernment is a word I usually associate with religion, but I believe it goes hand in hand with honesty and integrity. Discernment as defined by Merriam Webster dictionary; “the quality to be able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure; an act of perceiving something...insight and wisdom.”

When I was younger I was always told by teachers ( I went to a religious school) and pastors that you had to be able to discern what the Bible was telling us, through the prophets, and by their interpretation of what the Bible said, and as a child I took it all in stride, (actually that's not entirely accurate I was quite a rebel in my day) because they were the “experts” and I was but an unlearned youth.

Over time, the more I studied, the more I read, and looked into the actual languages, and history, I came to discover or discern that most of what the “experts” had been telling me was either quite factually wrong or, in some cases, an out right lie.

It was then that I really started to understand that the alleged “experts” were doing little more then regurgitating that which they had been taught by others who had themselves been taught the same way. They never questioned anything, they never looked for themselves, and even in the light of evidence to the contrary they stuck with the status quo or their already preconceived ideas.

What does any of this have to do with today? Just look at what is happening all around you. Fear and panic caused by so called “experts”. There is no honesty and integrity being shown at all by the media “experts” or their government cohorts, and very few people are using discernment to understand what is happening to them. Fear and shaming sells, and keeps you captive ,and the “experts” are going out of their way to keep you in that fear and shame by withholding news and evidence or any real truth because they want to keep the fear and shame going for their own ends, and the “experts” are right in bed with them.

Where is the honesty in this? Where is the integrity of our so called leaders? Where has the discernment of the people gone? Whatever happened to the idea of folks making their own decisions based on evidence and what they believed to be true? What makes those in government or academia more intelligent then you? What gives them the right to dictate what you are going to do or believe?

Where are those that will stand up for what is right instead of cowering to the so called experts? Where are those in the government, the media and academia that are willing to stand up for truth and shut down, with logic and reason, all the false narratives being told?

The only way out of this madness and insanity is for people of honesty, and integrity, and discernment, to read and study for themselves, not taking the alleged “experts”at their word. Then stand up and shout from the roof tops the truth, flood the internet until it is overwhelmed, and can no longer be censored, share with your friends and neighbors, and lastly, loudly, protest if ignored, if we don't take these sort of measures we will be doomed to fall into the dust bin of history.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Military Stab

Today I was going to spend some time writing on how disappointing it is to see so many people giving in to the fear porn that surrounds something we will simply call D. It's less dangerous than the original, the mortality rate is way down, and yet folks are still leaning towards the direction of diapers on their mugs or getting stabbed. Then I saw a headline that said the Sec. Of Offensiveness is going to mandate the stab on active duty personnel.

I have a massive problem with that on more levels than I can express completely but here are a few.

First, this is an all volunteer military, while officers can resign their commission, enlisted are stuck in their contracts until they are done. I doubt that any of them signed up to have an experimental stab and I am willing to bet that many of them will start leaving in droves, if forced ,with or with out permission.

Second, For decades military members have been experimented on, always with bad results. Think agent orange, anthrax or small pox stabs, gulf war syndrome, to name just a few, these were things that weren't supposed to harm anyone, it was supposed to protect you, and yet thousands have died and suffered massive side effects all because the powers that be said to do it.

Is this what we want once again?

Full disclosure I am not against stabs per se. This one being a very noted exception, I refuse to get it because I have been one of those experimented on and I have had to deal with it ever since, and I am against forcing people, or using coercion and threats, to get people to take the stab and that includes the military, government employees, medical staff, literally anyone who doesn't want it.

Tell me something, if my first point comes true, personnel leaving in droves, what happens? We become much weaker. Combine that with the PC witch hunt going on making many decide to walk away, and we become massively weaker. Add to that the possibility that those that do take it have the same kind of side effects that have been reported all over the world and we become sitting ducks for those who would destroy us from both the inside and the out and many a young and promising life has the potential of being destroyed, all over an experiment, where we are all the guinea pigs.


Monday, July 26, 2021

VA Stab


So now the VA is getting in on the act of forcing their staff to get stabbed. Wow.

For those of you who don't know the VA is usually quite short handed. Plenty of bureaucrat types, not enough hands on folks, doctors and nurses and others like that and now you want to make it even worse?

How will it get worse? Nurses and doctors will leave. Not everyone is drinking the cool aid and many don't like the idea of being forced so they will quit.

If this stab is so safe, why haven't all medical types gotten it? Is it because they can see and read for themselves and come to a reasonable conclusion that perhaps this isn't in their best interest ? Perhaps they don't like the idea of all the side effects , including death, that have been happening all over the world? Perhaps they might even believe that the risk of the bug is considerably less? Perhaps they have religious reasons? Perhaps some are allergic to the compounds in the stab? Who knows what the reasons are, but my overall question is; if it is so safe, which I personally don't believe, why do you have to force it on everyone? Shouldn't it sell itself on it's own merits?

Look if you want the stab, please be my guest, no one is going to stop you, but I think it's a violation, somewhere close to rape, to force people into a choice of taking a risk with an unproven drug with, unknown consequences in the long run, or loosing your livelihood.

So whats next? Are they going to tell vets that they can't get service unless they get stabbed? Won't matter I suppose because they will be short handed anyhow...

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Tech And The Swamp Monsters


While originally trying to post this on fb, I quite literally saw it get taken down as I was posting it, so I am trying this from a different direction and hope that it sticks.

I have been surprised by the lack of attention that a few comments by by the mouth piece of the grumpy one, and some of what the grumpy one himself has said, has garnished.

We all know that the swamp creatures have been spying and trying to censor us for many a moon but now they openly admit it. They openly admit to using the “platforms” or putting pressure on those platforms, to censure what they deem as “misinformation.”

Last I knew, if the swamp animals, especially the head beast and his minions, were trying to force the issue of censorship on anyone that would be considered a violation of the first amendment.

The first amendment has never been about speech or wording that is acceptable. It has always been about speech that you might find offensive or even believe to be totally false. Even if it's considered “misinformation” by the swamp ( something they never really define other then to say it doesn't meet their collective, pc agenda) it is still allowed by the first amendment.

Some might suggest that the “platforms” are allowed to do as they please and censor as they will, and they can, however once they start going down this road, which they have been for a while now, then they are no longer a protected neutral platforms, they have become editors and therefore are subject to the same laws that other publishing companies and editors are faced with.

Of course I know this won't ever happen. No one in the swamp, with a few notable exceptions, wish to make enemies of the “platform” folks because, Ironies of all Ironies, they will get censored or out right banned.

So both are in violation of the the first amendment because they are working hand in hand and if no one, other then a few small voices like mine, are going to speak up in defense of this right, we might as well give it all up and surrender to the Mao land brothers who have made all this possible.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Trail Of Tears

As most of you who are reading this know, there has been quite a concerted effort ,by the donkeys, to push for Marxism and socialism, believing , rather foolishly I might add, that somehow a bigger more intrusive government, controlling all aspects of our lives, is somehow a thing to desire. Even as they are pushing this notion of “soft socialism” Cubans are rebelling against their communist overlords and gangs are taking over, with the approval of the communist regime, the streets of Venezuela. But for the moment let us ignore all of those pesky facts, let us forget of the oppression going on of minorities in Mao land or the millions of deaths caused by every socialist dictator since the soviet revolution, let us instead focus closer to home.

As most of you know by now my wife and I have moved to Missouri. Saturday was a very warm sunny day and we decided to take a hike along part of the “Trail Of Tears” which passes through the town we live in. I took pictures of the river, and the trees, and it was all so peaceful, the path was clear and the various markers, explaining what went on and memorializing it, I thought was quite well done. However it also got me to thinking; here is what happens when you let the government take complete control of your life or they force the issue at gunpoint.

In 1830, under President Andrew Jackson, congress approved ( with the lone exception of David Crockett) “The Indian Act” forcing all the native peoples from their lands in Florida and Georgia and the Carolina's, among other places, onto reservations in what is now known as Oklahoma. Over the course of about 15 years estimates are somewhere between 45 thousand to 75 thousand were forcibly removed and led by the army, and local militias, on a long march that brought them onto “Federal Land” otherwise known as reservations. It is written that thousands died along the way and more died of disease and illness shortly after their arrival all because a few powerful people wanted them removed and they had the power and the control.

This is a part of American history, this is fact. Give the government the control and they will destroy you and your world.

It used to be that the left was against the very idea of bigger government. Peace, love, and rock in roll was the mantra of the day. To be left alone by “the man” was the ultimate goal. Somehow this has become switched into thinking that “the man” is the only thing that can help you. The left used to point out these kinds of historical events to prove the point that big government is bad. Now they ignore the history because ,for them, it has become about total control.

I don't understand. Why would you willingly give up your freedoms and liberties for total control by the government. Ask your self this simple question; If socialism is so great why do so many people, in the countries controlled by the socialist/communist, risk life and limb to come to the US? What makes anyone think that because we try it it's going to come out better then it has for the past one hundred years or so? And what makes many of you ,who are intellectuals, educated, or famous, believe that you won't be immune to the inevitable purge of those that the powers that be believe to be dangerous to their control? It has happened every time it's been tried, maybe not immediately, but it does and will happen eventually to you. This is what you want?

If you don't believe it can and will happen ask a Cuban or Chinese refugee or better yet go local and ask the descendants of the Natives that survived the “Trail Of Tears” just how well that worked out for them.


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Door to Door


Well I have heard a rumor that the head donkey, brainless as he seems to be, wants to send out folks to go door to door to try and push for more folks to get stabbed. He seems to be under some sort of delusion, I know, that's an everyday thing with him, that folks aren't getting stabbed because of a lack of info or some sort of lack of available stabbers. I'm not sure what planet he is living on (not sure he knows what one he's on) but all of that is available everywhere, you don't need to waste more money sending folks out to share with people things that they already know. It's not a lack of knowledge of theses things, it's that many folks are awake to the fact that this is an experimental stab, not one that has been approved by the ruling swamp monsters, and there have been some serious reactions, including death, by people who were otherwise healthy. It's not ignorance folks, it's reading and seeing and being aware of the propaganda being laid on everyone.

Back in the dark ages when I was in school (this being another of those pesky fact thingys) I was taught that if you had a bug of some sort, and you recovered from it, that your body had this weird thing called immunity from said bug. This is, I am guessing, is another reason why many folks aren't getting the stab, they learned the same thing in school in what was once called science class or AP and so, with that knowledge, they have no interest in being stabbed.

Now I live in the area that allegedly is the new hot spot in this country for the duck variety, OK in all truth and disclosure I actually live about a hundred miles away from the alleged epicenter, but I have to tell you, I'm not seeing it where I am at. I use the word “alleged” because I don't trust anything that they tell us anymore and around here I have hardly seen anyone wearing a mask of any kind. Hasn't mattered where we have been, and we have been out a lot, folks have been enjoying their God given rights of freedom and there has been little of the fear mongering that I experienced while living along the upper east coast.

So my overall guess is that the powers that be aren't very happy with the fact that they can't control this part of the known universe and they know that most people at this point just are not interested in getting stabbed for a bug that you have a 99.6% survival rate from.

Time will tell but I am guessing that the donkey in mindless charge hasn't a clue as to just how badly this could go for those sent out to coerce folks into compliance. I haven't been here long but I can already tell you that the people around here simply want to be left alone and some of the back roads and folks might just make “Deliverance” let the reader understand, look like a pleasant family vacation..good luck to the poor individuals who will be doing this, they are going to need it.

Sunday, April 11, 2021



A bout a year ago rumors started to spread about vaccination passports. Many folks believed that this was nothing but a conspiracy and, in all fairness, it was mostly to be found on alternate news web pages, and it was mocked. Well much has changed in the last year.

It would seem that the rumors aren't so far off after all.

The current donkey occupying that rather pale building in the district has assured us that the government has no plans to implement such a thing so we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief...right? Not so fast dear reader.

What he said was that he would let the markets ( corporations) decide on what was best for their businesses and venues. When you consider that all the major corporations, and businesses are all

tied into globalism, and have a working relationship with China, and add into the mix the simple fact that many in the district, especially the donkey in charge, all have been bought and paid for by them and you have a grand set up for not only a vax passport but also a social credit system as is used by both China and now Israel.

Now I know some of you are still probably thinking that this can't happen here? Really? Have you been asleep for the past year? This isn't just being suggested as a possibility, it is currently being worked on right now. The issue for them isn't what we would want ,they don't care one iota for us, but what is the best way to implement a system that won't be hacked and will give some modicum of privacy. But I am going to guess that in the end they aren't going to care about those things either because it's ultimately about power and control.

I have to say that Israel surprised me with this. Of all the nations in the world, you would think that they would understand the concept of “carrying your papers” or the ostracizing of those who can't or won't get a vaccine, is this going to be the electronic version of the star of David?

I'm not against vaccines per se. But I'm not taking it. I, like many others in the military, were experimented on with vaccines that hadn't been approved. Many became sick as I did, others passed on defects to the children they had afterwards. I don't trust them and I don't care who is living in the pale building, even if it came from the former elephant in chief I wouldn't take it, so that means, according to what they are suggesting, I will become one of those second class citizens and I imagine that I am not going to be alone.

So is this the kind of country/world you really want? Do you really want to be told by the big corporations and the government what you can and can't do based on an unproven shot? And then whats to stop them from adding to those conditions? You don't support the right groups, you write or read the wrong unapproved messages. Perhaps your beliefs are to conservative? Pick your subject. Once this gets started there will be no limit to what they can do.

Speak up and speak loud people. Stop this insanity or the next thing you may be hearing is “papers please” comrade.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Voter ID


I am an American. Let me state that quite clearly. I have never spent much time considering the idea that I am any kind of minority, with, perhaps, the exception of my rather unusual name kind of standing out here in the rural boonies of Maine, but still I have always considered myself an American first and foremost as long as I can remember. Today though I am going to consider my “minority” status to speak out at what I consider to be one of the greatest insults put out there by the donkeys in charge.

According to them, those of us who happen to have a bit of a darker pigmentation, are , in a word, ignorant.

Apparently we have no idea of how to get identification. We don't understand the internet or how to look up places that will help you in that endeavor. We don't even know how to use a phone book to look up phone numbers to make appointments for those Id's either. Until this mob took over I never realized just how ignorant I am.

Following this logic I shouldn't own my house or even have a car because both of those things require ID to purchase. I shouldn't own any weapons or have a library card. I shouldn't have been allowed into the military or the VA. Strange that I do have all theses things yet I am to dumb to have proper ID to vote.....

Must have been my wife that got all these things for me, she is 100 percent white after all, so she is that much more intelligent than I am.

The donkeys have been making this argument for decades. Every time someone or a state passes a law that might slow down their quest for ultimate dictatorial power they pull out the minority ( pick the one that is suitable to your cause) card. This time however, stupid “woke” corporations are getting in on the act as well. I call them stupid because it would appear that they don't even read the legislation in question, they just go with what ever the woke crowd or the donkeys tell them is true.

I could care less about MLB or Coke. If all the corporations in question all crash and burn I won't loose a bit of sleep over it but I am getting a bit irritated with this assumption that somehow I, and all others of the darker pigmentation's, are dumber than rocks.

During this last election cycle I received 4 absentee ballot requests from a state I once lived in, a state that doesn't require id. Between my wife. My daughter and myself we could have voted 12 times (we didn't but that's hardly the point here) and then voted here in Maine and no one would known but us.

Voter ID needs to be the law of the land. Not just in a few states but all of them. That's not “racist” that is simple common sense, enough with the pandering, and insults, most of us are not as dumb as you seem to think we are.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

What Was The Point?


Right now, even as I write this, I should be at a ice fishing derby, as you can guess,obviously, I am not there. No, I am home dealing with the inner demons of war time memory, not really wanting to be around people.

This year it is especially hard. I'm guessing it has much to do with the stress that has been added to everyday life for the past year, as I have witnessed the eroding, rather quickly, of the freedoms that once made the United States the envy of the world and the people being meekly compliant. Not everyone mind you, but enough of the majority of peoples, so as to appear to be everyone.

Which brings me back to the memories of war. I have to ask several questions the first ,and most obvious, is; what was the point? What was accomplished? We certainly didn't go there to win, if we had, with all our technology, it would have been over in 6 months or less. It seems we haven't fought a war to win and truly free people since WW2.

So, again, what was the point? We certainly didn't go because they were of any real threat to us and our way of life and we have become a nation that really doesn't care about it's own freedoms and the constitution that guarantees those God given rights to us.

Since 9/1/1 and the founding of “The Patriot Act” we have steadily given our liberties away, time and again, allegedly for safety. Are you feeling especially safe? Are you enjoying the attack on your freedoms? Do you really enjoy the government regulating every aspect of your life?

Again; what was the point? This past year, and especially in the last couple of months, I have watched as the donkeys, with the assistance of big tech and the media, utterly destroy some of our basic liberties, especially if you don't see things their way, that would have made Stalin proud. We don't like what you have to say so we will silence you. We don't like your religious beliefs so we are going to silence you. We don't like the fact that you own a gun so we are going to take them away through back door methods and the list goes on.

Tell me, what gives the donkeys and the alleged elephant wanna be's the right to do all this?

What was the point in fighting a war to allegedly free people, when we are willingly giving away ours?

Where are the people, in the individual states, that are going to say no, you are not going to do this, you are not allowed? The Constitution is quite clear that the federal government has limited power and that all other powers belong to the individual states. See amendment 10

So once again I ask the simplistic of questions; What was the point? For the rest of my life, I will have to live with the faces and memories of all those who died in combat, young men who were in their prime, cut down in ways that I won't describe here, and those who suffered after, and gave in to their inner demons becoming the 22.

So, finally, I ask, and this is for all veterans since the Korean war, what was the point? If Americans are going to meekly surrender their collective rights, what was the point in trying to “liberate” countries and give them rights that are quickly being taken away?

What was the point.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Butt Hurt


Let us set aside the politics of the day and instead speak of being “butt hurt.” Perhaps “butt hurt” is a new term for you so I will try to explain. “Butt Hurt” is another way of essentially saying that you are offended by something that someone else has said, or done, and you want to whine or yell about it. It is usually experienced by those who are not accustomed to others having a differing opinion than their own, and having the nerve of expressing it, either vocally or in writing. This,of course, is a rather loose translation but for this purpose, uncle Iggy's condensed version will do.

A few days ago I posted to my blog and on FB my opinion and views on the so called “Equality Act” I am not here to rehash it, if you wish to read it feel free, if not that's fine, we still live in a partially free society where you are allowed to make those kinds of decisions, so trust me I won't be “butt hurt” either way.

Having said that apparently I did “butt hurt” someone. Worse was that it was at least the second time in the last few months, though I suspect I have done so many times, they just weren't vocal about it until now. This is not an apology for that. I am too old to care if I have “butt hurt” someone because of my views. If you don't like what I have to say you can actually do this weird thing called “scrolling right on by” it's not tough. I do it all the time.

What makes this “butt hurt” so strange is that said individual had “de friended” me some time ago because of a past “butt hurt” but still decided to read what I posted publicly recently. Sorry I don't get that. When I know that someone is likely to be posting something I am not going to like, I find it easier to just go on by, like an adult should do, and move on.

Sadly I don't think this individual understands this concept. Said individual lives in a world that seems to be filled with folks that agree with said individual and the individuals world view on everything and I am not sure said individual knows what it's like to have folks around who disagree with that world view.

I am blessed. I have a large diversity of friends who have various religious back grounds and political views. Many of us don't see eye to eye about a great number of things but some how we can debate a subject, disagree with each other, and still have a beer and a burger with out being “butt hurt.”

So let me simplify this for the two or three of you who might actually read my ramblings. I am all about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I do not care for any legislation that gives preferential treatment for one group over another, in violation of the Constitution, or that takes away a God given right from one group because the other group doesn't like it or is “ butt hurt” over it.

Simply put if you don't like what I write, and are easily “butt hurt” then just scroll on by, I'm OK with that, and we can go and have that burger later.